Monday, December 20, 2010


This time of year, more than any other, turns our thoughts to Peace. Holiday songs speak about "Peace on Earth", Christmas Specials and Movies turn our minds to Peace between each other and around the world. It is a most beautiful yet hard to hold feeling. Peace is something that we all need to search for and strive to obtain.

Too often, man speaks of Peace without fully acknowledging that it is a difficult concept to obtain. Peace is something that should and must start from within each of us. Peace is virtue that even the most gentle and loving of man has trouble understanding and sharing.

So where do we start? We start with ourselves. We start first by accepting that we are a work in progress and far from perfect. We start with loving ourselves and then extending that love to our family and friends. We start with sharing ourselves with each other and those who need our love and understanding. We start with accepting others as who they are, not as we want them to be. We start by being kind and generous with our hearts.  We start now, not tomorrow or next week.

Merry Christmas to all, and Peace to the People on Earth. May your lives be filled with true Peace and Love.

Friday, December 17, 2010


We currently have a Lame Duck Congress. What does that mean for the majority of Americans? It means that the ass holes we voted out will try and ram crap down our throats that helps only a handful of individuals or groups. It means that they are taking advantage again of the American People. What else is new!

This recent Mid Term Election should have sent a clear message to the elected officials in Congress, but apparently many of them are too deaf and dumb to understand what we were trying to say!  In very simple words. STOP THE BULLSHIT!

There are too many Americans out of work, too many fighting to keep afloat financially and too many who have just given up entirely. Until we get our manufacturing base back in this country, things will not change. The media and congress can talk about tax cuts to help boost hiring, but that is not enough. Unless things change this country is headed down a path of no return.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Losing Christmas

Maybe it started with writing Xmas instead of Christmas, or maybe it started with hawking Christmas before we had eaten Thanksgiving Dinner. Maybe it is really impossible to put your finger on when we started losing Christmas and the Christmas spirit. It really doesn't matter when it started, all that matters is that we and the world are poorer for the lose.

There was a time that the Christmas Season meant Peace, Love, Faith and Fellowship of all mankind. Now, it is just a time of spending and buying. It is a time that you have to be politically correct and say, "Happy Holidays", instead of "Merry Christmas". Being political correct doesn't allow for celebrating the Birth of Christ, but it does encourage spending money and encourage ill will around the world.

In simpler times, we could share our faith with our friends and family, now if you are a person of faith and want to share the Miracle of Christmas, it is frowned upon by those who want to destroy Christmas and all that it stands for. You have to wonder why anyone would want to destroy a Season of Miracles that promotes Peace and Love.

If we continue down this current path, we will lose Christmas and all that it stands for. What a great lose that will be for the entire world and all of us that live on this Blue Marble. So what is the answer, it really is quite simple. We can't let political correction or liberal viewpoints rule and destroy a time of year that means so much to so many. We need to share our faith and love to all, regardless of our faith. Christmas is a time of Miracles and a time to pray for peace for all mankind.

Cities, towns, corporations, and individuals should not be ashamed of sharing symbols of the Seasons. Deck the Halls, Trim the Tree, Hang the Wreath and put out the Nativity. In this country, it has always been the majority rules, not the minority and this goes for Christmas.

So Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hard Choices For The Working Class

Once again, Congress is debating extending unemployment benefits. If you take the time to talk with those who are fortunate enough to be working and to those you have yet to find a job, you will definitely get an earful. The debate will get heated and heated fast. This is just one of the major decisions facing our elected officials in Washington.

While many of us are concerned about fellow Americans being out of work, we also know that the Federal Government can not continue down this current path of spending. Unfortunately the hard choices must start here and now. It is unfortunate that we are heading into the Holiday Season, when we all want and desire to give our families everything possible.

Time has run out for the American Working Class. No longer can we sit around and wait for a better job to come our way. A minimum wage job, is better than no job at all. We may have to work a second or even a third job, just to make ends meet. This is a time where we must all pull together or we will come apart at the seems.

As hard as it will be for both Democrats and Republicans, we can not extend the unemployment benefits. Will they take heat, absolutely! But, now is the time for Real Leaders to step up and stand strong. Now is the time for Hard Choices and for all of us to Stand Strong!

Americans need to sit an example this Holiday Season. We need to tighten our belts and our pocketbooks. Our Holiday Spending must be realistic and reasonable. As much as we desire to buy that expensive present or presents for our children, we must think about the reality of what it will do to our bottom line. Purchase the things that our families need not just what they want. Make the Hard Choices for yourself and your family.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hard Choices

Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that inflation has become a part of our everyday life. Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that unemployment is strangling our country and the lives of the American People. Unless you have been living under a rock, then you know that our Country is facing hard choices.

It is time for our elected leaders to stop sitting on their hands. It is time that our elected leaders step up and make the hard choices that may stop our slow spiral downward. If you take the time to talk with the everyday American, you may realize that common sense must prevail, if we are to save our economy and our country.

The first step must be to STOP SPENDING. If most American Families have done this, then so should our government. Second, Congressional leaders, past and present should give up their salaries and their pensions. Let's get real, none of them are poor or economically strapped for cash. If their were, then they wouldn't have been able to run for political office.

Next, then out the top heavy offices of the government. We don't need to pay high salaries to political appointees. How many managers do the various offices really need? Freeze salaries of government employees, until the economy turns around and we are moving in the right direction.

Now, we have to address the Welfare Rolls. We constantly hear how the government is going to cut Medicare and Social Security, but we never hear them address the welfare rolls. It is time that hard choices be made. Time limits must be set, without loop holes. Two years and you are off for good. That is enough time to learn a trade, skill or advanced education. Two years to teach someone to reach out an grab opportunity. Welfare does nothing but degrade our people and our country. It puts limits on individuals and our country. This will take strong leadership but is the right thing to do.

We must bring back our industry to our Country. If a company or corporation says that they are an American Company, then over 50% of their goods must be produced in this country. If not, then they should pay a higher tax to sell their goods or services to the American People. If the other countries don't like it, then too damn bad! We must be concerned about our citizens first and foremost.

At one time America was seen as a beacon of light. Our so called leaders have let this light dim to the point of it blinking out. How can we be a world leader, if we continue to let our citizens flounder? We must look to the past to find our future. We can not be afraid of what the world things of us. We must rebuild our country and we must do it soon.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gridlock In Congress

The 2019 Midterm Elections are over, save for Alaska, Colorado and Washington. The American People have spoken. We have let our voices be heard and heard loudly. While the media talk about the GOP and the Obama Agenda, they are also talking about possible gridlock in Congress come January.

Is it possible that the current political leaders in Washington don't get it? Is it possible that they really believe that the American People will just go about their business and let them block or detour our business? Could they really be that stupid? Maybe they just think that we will forget what we believe this country needs. Maybe they really believe that we don't matter.

Here is the simple truth. If the House and the Senate, do not conduct themselves as true representatives of the American People, then come the next election, we will Clean House, AGAIN! For too long, members of Congress, especially, career politicians, have ignored the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. They seem to thing that we are either children to be ignored or too stupid to understand what this country needs. I think that this recent election has shown them that we will not be ignored and that we know exactly what our country needs.

So, now it is in their hands, Congress needs to take a long hard look at what their future plans will be and whether or not it will be business as usual or if they will finally start working for the American People. They need to keep in the back of their minds that, if they refuse to work for the best interest of this country and it's citizens, then we will once again exercise our Right to kick them to the curb.

So, the American People, have put Congress and the leaders in Washington on notice. Shape up or we will ship you out. Come January we will be watching even more closely to see how you will conduct our business and the business of this country. Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Challenge The Welfare Rolls

It seems whenever there is a monetary crisis in Washington, then politicians turn to Medicare and Social Security and recite that they have to be changes made or the programs will failure. Scare tactics at their best. Here is the question, why do politicians never address the need to reduce the Welfare Rolls? Why is it, that politicians feel free to threaten Senior Citizens with changes to Medicare and Social Security, but they never once go after Welfare, which includes Medicaid?

To my way of thinking, it's about the vote and the fact that politicians don't have the balls to stand up for the Middle Class. After all, it's our money that funds these programs, we should have a say in how they are used. Medicare and Social Security provide for our Senior Citizens, they deserve and need these programs.

Medicaid and Welfare need to be changed, and if the people who are on these programs don't like it, then go get a job! Welfare payments should have time limits, 2 years and then you are off. No ifs, ands or buts. But, then they will cry that we aren't fair or that we are discriminating against them. That is a bunch of bull. They need to get off their butts and go to work.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Is There Really Any Differences Between The Candidates?

Turn on any news program, and you will eventually hear how important the Midterm Elections will be to the American People. The Democrats are afraid of losing their power in Washington and the Republicans are afraid that they won't get in back. The one think missing in both these equations is the American People.

I don't care how you look at it, both political parties are in it for themselves. It's all about power, money and prestige. If the parties gave a damn about the American People then they would not have sold us down the river. How did they do this, well it didn't happen over night, but over time. When they didn't step up and help prevent American Business from leaving our shores, when they threw money down the drain by not stopping Medicaid and Medicare fraud, when they bailout Frannie Mae and Frannie Mac, when they bailout Wall St.

It's not just one political party but all of them, that is to blame. It's their pocketbook and their bottom line that their care about, not us. America was at one time a force to be reckoned with, not we are over extended, under employed and failing fast. For some reason, the political leaders still seem to think that we have money in our pockets, or hidden under our mattresses.

Democrats would have you believe that they care about the poor and the down trodden, that's a bunch of bull. All they really want is to convince who ever they can that they are the one to vote for,  after that, well you are on your own. Democrats and others have created generations of individuals who believe that the rest of us owe them something, because of where they live, what they don't have or who their great great grandparents may have been. They need to get over themselves and quick. No one owes us anything, it is up to us to built our own life and to reach for our own dreams.

I am sick to death of hearing about the global economy. All this has ever done, is hurt the American Economy and the American People. But wait, according to the media and our leaders, we are sheep to be lead and they can sell us anything and we will buy it. We are too stupid to see the truth, even when it is staring us in the face.

So, is there really any difference in the candidates running for political office? No, when push comes to shove, they don't give a damn about us. What they do care about is lining their pocketbooks at our expense. What recourse do we have? It's really quite simple, vote out the incumbent, but let who ever we elect know, that we will be watching and that we can do the same to them.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Losing Our Freedoms One By One

One upon a time, in a place close to our hearts, there was a land founded on freedom and liberty. Fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, all fought and died to allow the people of this land to live their lives freely. They could worship how they chose, they could eat what they wanted, read what they wanted and even smoke if they chose to.

Now, in this land of freedom, the people can't worship how they want for fear of ridicule. Pray and the Pledge of Allegiance can no longer be said in school, for those who have no belief in God, have overruled those with faith in God. Television, print and other media outlets have decreed that if your body isn't perfect, then you are less of a human being. Skinny is IN and normal is OUT! Starving yourself is the order of the day, you have to fit into whatever style is hot.

If you read the Bible, then you are a moron, who can't think for them self. It doesn't matter if you have a PhD or a 7th grade education, if you believe in a higher being in you are stupid. You most be made to conform to fit in to this new world order.

If you decide to light up a cigarette then you are breaking the law in some states in this once great land. While smoking may be harmful, as an adult, you should be able to make that decision for yourself. Being able to decide for yourself was part of the liberties and freedoms that this land was built on.

As personal liberties have been lost, this once great land, that our forefathers bleed and died for has diminished. If we don't start standing up to those who would walk over us, then we are handing them the keys to our destruction. We have to take back control of our schools, our jails, our borders and our government.

We need to put pray and the Pledge of Allegiance back in our schools. We need to empower our teachers and principals to discipline our children. Jails need have less privileges and more hard time. They need to place where people don't want to be sent. We have to secure our borders. We need to take control of our government and our so called leaders.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Out Sourcing of America

How many times have you had a problem with your computer or network or some other electronic device and had to call their 24 hour help line? How many times have you spoken to some one located in the United States and how many times have you spoken to someone in India or other country?

I can remember when you would see an ad on television for a certain computer company illustrating how their technical support was there 24/7. The actors were English speaking, without an accent. Now, don't get me wrong, I have no problem utilizing the help centers when I can understand them, but too often their accents can be too heavy.

It speaks to another problem, computer companies, electronic companies and others out sourcing their technical centers to foreign countries. I know that we are in a global economy, turn on any news show or pick up a newspaper or magazine and that's all we hear. This is my point, shouldn't we be taking care of our own first, and then help out others? Now, it seems like we help out everyone at our own expense.

I know that this is not a politically correct statement, but I am tired of having to be politically correct. We need to rebuild this country and we can't when American Businesses keep sending jobs out of this country. We all need to let our voice be heard and let Big Business and Congress know that we are tired of the bull shit that keeps coming down the pike.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Prohibition of Marijuana

During the time of Al Capone, we learnt the hard way that when you prohibit something, it just makes people want it more. People became rich during Prohibition by making and selling alcohol. There were Speak Easy's and bathtub gin in small and large towns around the country. The one thing that we came out of all of the police raids, shoot outs and corruption, is that Prohibition DID NOT WORK!

This country has spent billions of dollars fighting the war on drugs. A large majority to that has been spent on stopping the growing and selling of marijuana. There have been study after study on the impact of "weed" on health, short term memory, so on and so on. How many times have you heard that, "If you smoke pot, it will lead to stronger drugs".

If you spend enough money to have a study done, then you can twist the numbers how ever you want, it's call statistics. It really can be outrageous how much money has been spent on these studies. Thank you Congress.

If you speak with an officer of the law, off the record, quite a few will tell you that busting people with small amounts of weed, is a waste of money, time and it ties the court system up. They would rather be arresting people out there who are committing more grievous crimes. They would rather be going after dealers of crack, heroin and other hard drugs. Some feel that if weed war legalized that we would be able to hurt the drug cartels. It does give you pause, when you thing that we could actually hurt the drug cartels.

What is the answer to the prohibition of marijuana? Is there even a real answer? What I do know, is that what we have been doing is not working. Maybe it is time to make the growing of marijuana for personal use legal. Maybe it is time to end the Prohibition of Marijuana all together.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Where Have All Our Leaders Gone?

Americans elected politicians to make hard decisions for our country. We put our faith and trust in these individuals with the hope that they will stand up for us and make hard decisions. We hope that they will have our best interests at heart. But, here is the questions, Where have all our leaders gone?

These so called leaders seem more concerned with their own agenda and with there own pocketbooks then with what most Americans are facing. They have sold this country down the river. They throw words like global economy, climate change, and stimulus around. But, when do they stand up for us, the people who put them into office?

They want to take our personal freedoms away from us. Oh, they say it's for our own good, but it's still an infringement on our Constitutional Freedoms. Piece by piece they are tearing our country apart.

Real leaders stand up for and by the Constitution. Real leaders fight for us, even if their colleagues are against them. Real leaders put Americans first, not others countries. Real leaders wouldn't let American Businesses take their corporations and manufacturing operations out of this country, just to make larger profits. A real leader has the guts to make hard decisions. Real leaders would listen to the American People.

So, where have all our leaders gone? The hard truth is, that we don't have any. They are too concerned with putting money into their pockets. They are too concerned with lecture and media tours. They are too concerned about themselves to be true leaders.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Evolution Of A Family

After getting married, my husband and I couldn't wait to start our family. Being young and in love we just knew that we were going to be wonderful parents and that our children would be outstanding. That being said, we didn't have a clue what we were getting into, we learnt the hard way that there is no "Handbook For Raising Children". Now, don't get me wrong, there are tons of how to books, but none of them can really help you raise children and help you face the hardships that come along with raising a family.

We struggled with lack of money, cultural differences (he was from the north and I had been raised in the south, he was catholic and I was not), we lived with his family and mine was 500 miles away. We rarely agreed on anything to do with how we were going to raise our children. But, one thing that we did agree on was that divorce was not an option. We were committed to staying together.

We fought and argued, we laughed and cried but most of all we loved each other and our children. We made a lot of mistakes and we got a few things right. We created 3 wonderful and loving children. We survived the lose of our first born to cancer when he was young. We made it through the pain and suffering that goes along with chemotherapy and radiation therapy and the news that it didn't work.

We separated and came back together because we loved each other and our children. We helped each other reach for the stars and held each other when we came crashing down to earth. We held our family together through pray, hope and stubbornness.

We survived our daughters rebellious years when we didn't know if she was alive or dead. We each dealt with the pain in our own way but always as parents. We survived the lose of our own parents, and grandparents. We did the best that we could do.

Then something happened, at some point, our children suddenly turned into young adults. Our daughter came back into our lives and has turned out to be a truly amazing woman. She is strong willed still, but has taken that and turned it from a negative to a positive. She is a loving, caring and giving person that I am proud to say, "She's My Daughter and My Best Friend". My son is finally finding his way, after a few false starts, he is slowing coming into his own.

So, what have we learned? That no family is perfect, that parents don't have all the answers, that children become human again once they hit their early 20's. We have learned that fighting for your family is worth more than anything money can buy. We have evolved into a loving and caring family that cares about each other and that we can be individuals and still be a family.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Your Vote and the Mid Term Elections

The mid term elections are fast approaching, and along with that comes all the hype from those running for election and the media. The politicians are all shouting out what they have done and what they will do. The media personalities are spinning the hype.

As Americans, we need to send a strong message to Congress and to Washington as a whole. Mess with the American People and we will take back our government. The best way to do this, vote every incumbent out of office, no matter what party you may be affiliated with. It really doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or a Republican, we need to clean house!

Members of Congress have taken advantage of the Average American for too many years. They vote themselves raises, hand out money for crazy pork belly projects, and generally keep taking more and more of our money. Congress was never meant to be a full time job, and certainly not one that you retire from with a fat check.

Now, as never before we must get out and vote. The mid term elections can and should be our opening volley. We need to take charge of our government and this must be our first step. Please come out and vote and let your voice be heard.

Monday, September 6, 2010

A Celebration of Labor During a Labor Crisis

A large majority of Americans are enjoying Labor Day festivities today. It is ironic that while many are enjoying back yard barbeque's, picnics and other family get to gathers, that a large majority of Americans are still unemployed. So while many of us are celebrating this weekend, others are just trying to get by.

This country continues to be in a labor crisis and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. Politicians continue to play us against each other and definitely refuse to take any responsibility for this crisis. Why is it so hard for them to own up to their mistakes. If you take the time to speak with the general populace, then you can learn some hard truths that we have seen and had to deal with on a daily basis.

So, if on this Labor Day you are celebrating with family and friends, please keep in mind those Americans who continue to be unemployed and who are struggling in the current economy.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Healthcare Crisis

If you have been in the Emergency Room or had a hospital visit recently, you have been exposed to the crisis in health care. It starts when you walk in the door, it's all about your health insurance and or your ability to pay. Insurance companies and for profit hospitals have destroyed the American Health care System.

Once upon a time health care was about caring for the patient. If you didn't have health insurance you could work out a payment plan that was sensible and equitable on both parts. Now, if you can't afford insurance and you have to make a trip to the ER, you can bet that you will receive threatening letters and phone calls from the hospital billing office. Within a short period of time, your credit will be in the toilet. Thank you big business for helping destroy the health care system.

The health care crisis has so many parts and this is just one part of the pie. Congress allowed hospitals to penalize working class citizens for their inability to  pay a hospital bill. Until Congress gets off their high horse and fix their past mistakes, more and more Americans will be faced with mounting health care costs and bad credit.

Friday, September 3, 2010

John Cusack's Ranting Tweet and Fox News

Driving home from work tonight I was entertained once again by the carrying on of a member of Hollywood and his verbal assault on Fox News. While some might find this verbal ranting funny, I find it a sign of the times.

Why is it that people pay so much attention to the liberal members of Hollywood? Why is it that members of Hollywood make a point to rant and rave at Fox News? Now, while we all have the Constitutional Right to Free Speech, we do not have the Right to encourage others to do bodily harm to others.

We can encourage people to avoid watching a media outlet if we disagree with their political views or views on society. We can voice our outrage, we can write letters or simply turn the channel if we choose. But, it makes me ill to think of an individual encouraging possible harm of death to others.

While John Cusack may be entertaining to watch in a movie, he definitely overstepped himself with his comments regarding Fox News. Personally, I feel that he should offer an apology to members of Fox News and should retract his encouragement of physical confrontation. Death is not a joke and his remarks were horrific and he should be ashamed to tweeting something so vile.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Hollywood's Big Night Out

Isn't it interesting that we were all entertained by the Emmy Awards this weekend. Now we get to hear about what they wore, if it look great or if it was up to par. Hollywood enjoyed a great night out. Isn't that just wonderful, or maybe not.

Why is it that so many of us can't wait to watch or read how the other half lives? Why is it that we allow Hollywood to influence our lives so much? Why do we may so much attention to what these individuals think or even don't think?

I enjoy a good television show and movie as much as the next person. But, I don't let what Hollywood thinks influence how I live my life. I'm the only one who knows what I need or don't need. I'll let you in on a little secret, none of them have an ass made out of gold. They may think they do, but they don't.

So, before you let your decisions in life be guided by Hollywood, try thinking for yourself. Listen to the news, read a newspaper, read a book or even talk to your friends and neighbors. It may change your life forever.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Death of the American Dream

I can remember growing up, how hard my father worked to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. He was a soldier, a farmer, a husband and a wonderful father. He taught all of us true American Values, and he also taught us to stand on our own two feet.

While it has never been easy, it has been worth all of the hard work. The sad truth is, that more and more Americans can't even find work and there fore can't work towards the American Dream. In the past couple of decades our Presidents and Representatives in Congress have let American Business move out of this country and by their actions have hurt the American Citizen.

We hear all about the Global Economy and Global Business but we don't hear about the profits made by American Companies in countries like China. Why, because American Companies don't have to report their profits from foreign countries. Let's be real, it's always been about greed, and the over all bottom line.

They pay foreign workers a pittance and have taken away the American Dream from the citizens of this country. We are supposed to understand and not feel outraged at the lose of jobs, foreclosures, increasing numbers on the welfare rolls. It's okay that we can't feed our families or keep a roof over our families head.

The American Worker needs to be active in politics. We need to make our voices heard. We have to stay strong and exercise our right to vote. If you don't want to live in a socialistic country it is time to remember who we are and that this is our country. The American Dream is dying a slow death and with it goes our country, formerly known as America.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Our Children's Education

When our children go away to college or even if they attend a local college, as parents we need to be wary of financial aid advisers and possibly the college itself. Often our children go to college and trust in the ability of their advisers to guide them through the tangles of financial aid.

Unfortunately, my daughter found out the hard way that colleges are not on your side. She is a student at Western Kentucky University or WKU and just found out that even through she has over $4000.00 in financial aid available she will have to pay for a full semester herself or sit out a year. Now, is in an honor student with a 3.75 GPA and has beaten the odds to get as far as she has come. But, because she dropped a class (she was failing and she didn't want to drop her GPA, according to the SAP rules, she is screwed.

What bothers me, is that no one from WKU made any attempt to discuss the issue with her. When I went to college, your advisers were always there to assist and guide, now they just seem to be there to collect a pay check. This is why secondary education is in such a bind and why our children are left to struggle through the process of financial aid alone.

So parents, help your children and guide them as best you can. If your children go to WKU, have them transfer out to a better environment. Online school are wonderful and provide a great alternative to traditional secondary educational institutes.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Buyer Beware

There have always been salesmen or pitchmen knocking on our doors. If we could go back in time, they were probably knocking on caves trying to sale something. While sales are a necessary evil, consumers most now more than ever be wary of sales pitches.

The truth of the matter is simple, if it sounds too good to be true, then it's a rotten deal to begin with. In today's economy, most of us can't afford to be taken by some smooth talking pitchman. They make it sound cheap and easy and so affordable. But what really happens when the bill comes?

If you buy something or elect to receive a service from someone, make sure you get everything in writing. Don't pay up front, make sure the job is completed. Be sure to have a phone number and address that really works. Talk to the Better Business Bureau, check their references, and talk to your neighbors.

We have to be smart with our money, now more then ever. So be careful, ask questions and make sure that you get all your questions answered. BUYER BEWARE!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Living In Fear

There is not a day that goes by, that most Americans are not living in fear. This fear comes in many forms and can be devastating for all of us. With the declining economy, joblessness, the rising cost of gas, food and other necessities, American families are living in fear.

Fear is choking the life out of this country and it's citizens. So many of us wake up each morning, wondering if this will be the day that everything catches up to us. Will this be the day that we lose our job, will this be the day that we surrender to mounting debt?

There is not a day that goes by, that I don't wonder if my family and I would survive if we had to live through another Depression. I know that my grandparents did it and I know what hard work means, but could we really do what had to be done to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table?

There was a time in this country that neighbors helped each other and took care of each other, but that time is long gone. Some of us don't even know who our neighbors are and some want no part of their neighbors. With this type of mentality, how would people survive a Depression?

For some it is already too late. But for the rest of us, we need to wake up and start thinking how we would make it through really bad times. We all need to start taking responsibility for our debts, our friends and our neighbors. We need to starting coming together as a country before it is too late.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Discover BBC America

If you watch any of the cable news channels, then you eventually become tired of all the commentary that occurs. It is tiring to hear the continues harping on politics, President Obama and so on and so on.

If you take the time to investigate you might find an old fashion news show on BBC America. It really is refreshing and informative. They report on events occurring here in the United States and around the world. It reminds me of news reports from years ago. The reporters, report the news without the commentary.

Find the time to check it out.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

When Will My Son Grow Up?

My children are in their earlier 20's and I learned tonight that my youngest maybe part of the lost generation. He doesn't want to take on any responsibility, or make any decision or even grow up. He rants and raves about how we don't understand him, and how horrible people are in general. He thinks that we are all conforming, that we all look down on each other.

He refuses to listen to anything that we say. "We don't understand what he is trying to say!" It's history repeating itself. He's me when I was in my 20's and I am my parents. How do I explain to him that life changes you? How do I make him understand that I have to work and his dad has to work to keep food on the table and a roof over his head?

He is great person. He is loving, kind and gentle. He believes in God and he wants to make this world a better place. But, he doesn't see how life, loves and tragedy can change where life leads us on different paths.
How do I show him that he has to start being an adult and not a child? How do I explain to him that he has to start making hard decisions?

It's an age old situation, only it's my turn this time. With love, patience and God's grace we will survive and grow from this. Pray for us.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Overwhelmed by All the Craziness

With all the nastiness and craziness that we deal with on a daily basis, I'm just too overwhelmed today to deal with it all. President Obama trying to sell how well the economy is doing on The View of all things. Looking to improve his poll numbers with women. Why can't we just be told the truth? The economy sucks and there is no end in sight.

We all know some one who is unemployed and who can't find a job. How many know someone who is facing foreclosure? We are living with this economy. I just get so angry sometimes at those in power who treat us like idiots. They don't think we would understand.

I'm tired of the crap that Washington, the media and everyone else feeds us. I work for a living and have since I was 15 years old. I worked my way through school, I didn't come from money, but that's the key, I worked.

So I'm giving myself permission to feel angry, and overwhelmed tonight.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

President or a Rock Star

Here is the question, why is President Obama running around the country raising money for Democratic Candidates and appearing on Daytime Talk Shows? With our country at war, and make no mistake, this is his war not President Bush's, why is President Obama not doing what he was elected to do? With unemployment still in the toilet, why is he not working with business leaders and congress to get Americans back to work?

I get the fact that he thinks that taking vacations are cool. I understand that he thinks he looks cool when he shows up on the View. I understand that he thinks he looks great out on the golf links. He seems to think that he is a Rock Star. It's like he thinks that his only job is to look good on camera, give campaign speeches, promise everything and give nothing and travel the country and the world.

Maybe he didn't understand that the President of the United States actually has to lead this country. Maybe he thinks that being liberal means that his agenda is more important then what the the rest of this country wants or needs. Maybe he thinks that he knows more the anyone else, or maybe he is just a puppet and he is just a front man for others.

This country and it's citizens are in dire straits. We need a President, we need a leader, we need some one who will put our needs first. We don't need a President who thinks that he is a Rock Star. President Obama needs to be in Washington, dealing with the issues facing this country. He needs to forget about politics and he a real leader, he needs to be a President.

Monday, July 26, 2010

A Chaos Theory and How It Relates to Politics

This country has under gone great growing pains since it's birth. Fear of differences have been the cause of much pain and suffering for all Americans. In the 60's, this country went the fires of hell to overcome segregation. Why then, do the major political parties and it's leaders keep fanning the fires of prejudice? The Chaos Theory, would explain their reasons.

What is the Theory of Chaos? It is really quite simple and if you think about it, all becomes clear. If the major political parties can keep Americans apart by name calling, teaching intolerance and instilling fear, then they keep control. By pointing out and misconstruing our differences instead of pointing how much we all have in common, then they have power of us.

Think about your neighbors, your coworkers or the members of your church. While the color of your skin maybe different, or your work load different or your faith alittle different, underneath we are really the same. You are born in to the same world as we all are, we all have struggles, both great and small. We all laugh and cry, we all celebrate and mourn and we eventually leave the mortal world behind.

If we stop listening to media hype, political rhetoric, and others who spout off hateful and hurtful garbage, then we can start rebuilding our country together. It's been over 100 years since the Civil War was fought, it's been 40 plus years since we started fighting segregation. Isn't it time that we put all of our energy into rebuilding lives and our country, instead of fear, hate and mistrust.

Chaos causes confusion, which can lead to anger, fear and mistrust. When you feel overwhelmed by chaos, you can begin to start looking to cast blame and too often you place that blame on to others just because they are different. Political parties too often us this against Americans and can even encourage this mistrust and even hate.

Our differences are what make us strong. Our differences have helped build this country. Isn't it time that we took our country back from the politicians who keep us apart for their own financial and political power? If they keep us at each others throat, then we don't see what they are doing to us and to our country. It's time that politicians started listening and working for us.

So, take the time to know your neighbors. Take the time to speak with your co workers and to others in this world. Granted you won't always agree with their point of view, but if you start off with respect, that will go a long way in learning to live together in this world.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Lose of Our Freedoms

America is under going a radical act from within. American citizens are slowly losing our freedoms. Sometimes we are told that it's for our own good. Smoking causes cancer, so "we" are to going tell you where you can smoke. It doesn't matter, that it has been proven that we all carry the gene which causes cancer, we are born with it. No, the powers that be will take away your right to choose what you will or will not do. All in the name of "being for your own good."

When seat belts came out, we had the choice of wearing or not wearing them. Now, it is illegal to be caught driving without a seat belt on. The revenue that is generated by law enforcement issuing tickets make up a large part of a county or city budget. It is amazing to think that at one time automobile makers were considering removing them from vehicles.

Prayer and The Pledge of Allegiance were once part of each and every school day. It's what we did before starting our day. Now, it is only found in schools associated with religious organizations. It's considered politically incorrect to talk about or refer to God, in any form at public school. Instead of using a prayer in school as a teaching tool to promote understanding, we have let it divide us as a country.

There are individuals and groups who want to take away our right to bear arms. The Right to bear arms was granted to all Americans by the Bill of Rights. No one or no group has the right to take the bearing of arms away from American Citizens. Men and women have fought and died in order to keep our country free from those who would take our freedoms from us.

Americans need to wake up before it's too late and all of our freedoms are gone. Glenn Beck recently talked about the Lose of Our Republic on his TV Show on the Fox News Channel. Many Americans may be uncomfortable with what he has to say, but maybe it's time that we got out of our comfort zone and opened our eyes and our ears, before it's too late.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Lose of Values and Faith

There was a time in this country that we raised our children with strong morals and values. We lived our lives based in our faith. Along the way, some how we lost our way. We stopped living our lives with any moral code. We stopped living by the Golden Rule and started living by the "What Can I Get By With Rule".

Being Politically Correct has and continues to destroy the country. Liberal mind sets have eroded away family values and morals. If you stand up and against the Liberal Agenda you are labeled as racists, or worse. This is far from true, you can have strong morals and values and still be a loving, kind and gentle person. You can disagree with someones choices and still respect them as a person. You can agree to disagree without anger or hate.

You can have a strong faith without imposing on an other's belief. It all comes down to morals and values. Our differences are one of our greatest strengths in this country. We don't have to always agree with each other, but we should respect each other. Why do our political and religious leaders continue to use our differences against us? Why do they promote the idea, that we can't get along with each other. Why do they want us at each others throat? Why have we let the media, politicians, actors and the like erode and destroy our morals and values?

Americans have a long and hard road ahead. We need to come together with respect, with understanding and with strong character in order to turn this country around. We need to speak as one and as a group and make our voices heard. We need to return to basics. We need to promote prayer, respect and kindness to all who will listen. We need to look prejudice in the face and overcome it.

Time is not on our side. Each day that goes by pushes our children towards an abyss. If we don't teach our children well, how can they in turn teach their children.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

How We Have Failed Our Children

It is hard to admit, but we have failed our children. It didn't happen overnight, but gradually and without us even realizing what we were doing. Maybe we thought we were doing the right thing, but it has come back to hurt our children in the long run.

If you were part of the baby boomers, then you grew up in an era that started out innocent, but ended in turmoil. You grew up with "flower power", "make love not war", you grew up with liberals ideas that we thought would change the world for the better. We were going to end racial bias, end the Vietnam War and prevent further war. Peace was going to be our legacy. We were going to be better people.

What have we accomplished? The same people who wanted to save the world, are destroying our country. Why did we allow prayer to be taken out of our schools? What purpose did it serve? Why do politicians and religious leaders encourage racial animosity? Why have unions allowed businesses to close up shop and move out of this country without a fight? When did we stop fighting for our freedoms and our liberty?

By trying to hard to give our children everything, we have given them nothing. We have created a generation of selfish, lazy and uncaring people. There are many who feel that something is owed them. There are many who feel hard work is beneath them. There are many who only want to take the easy way out. This is how we have failed our children.

If we don't do something to turn this country around, then there will be no legacy for our children. We need to start today, we need to return to the morals and values that helped our parents and grandparents through horrific personal, economic and political times. We need to put our personal differences aside and come together as one and repair the damage done to this country.

People will say it can't be done, but it can, if we only try. We only have to have the courage to take the first step.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Lost Industrial Base

Growing up in this country, I remember a time when a man or a woman could support their family by working in some type of industry. It may be a steel mill or a textile mill, it may have been working in a sewing factory or even a cabinetry factory. But those days are long over and far removed from the world today.

Millions are out of work, with little to no hope of finding an real employment. Businesses have longed left this country in the search for cheaper labor, cheap raw materials and larger profits. Democrats blame the Republicans and vice a versa. Truth be told, both parties and their leaders are to blame for this horrific situation. While they spit back and forth at each other, average Americans are struggling to survive this downward spiral.

Hard times are here and harder times are around the corner. It is doubtful is many American would or could survive another Depression. Rural America may stand a better chance, but how many of the young people in this country would know how to live off the land? This should be a major concern for all Americans. Lean times are here and will only become leaner for those of us in middle America.

Our political leaders need to stop casting blame and look to how America can start rebuilding the industrial base. It won't be easy and foreign countries will rant and rave, but we need to starting putting this country and it's citizens first. American companies need to be based in this country, not just be shipping products to this country.

President Obama and members of Congress need to leave their ivory towers and take a long walk down Main Street. They are too far removed from how the rest of the country lives. If they did that, then maybe these hard decision would be a little easier to make.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Generation Zero, Count Down to Disaster

Generation Zero is a movie that addresses the disaster that is facing our country. It explains how the generations that survived the Great Depression and who fought in WWII created a generation of selfish individuals by giving them more than they needed. The best intentions went very wrong.

These individuals are the former hippies. The flower children who spit on the soldiers when they returned from Vietnam. These are the ones who bomb buildings and generally caused disorder in this country.  These are the Asbury Park Generation. They went from hippie to yuppie with age and change in political atmosphere. Their selfish, I can do no wrong attitude, nothing can go wrong attitude caused the Wall Street Disaster.

They are very good at talking but not at taking responsibility. There actions are leading us down the path to disaster. History repeats itself. A depression maybe around the counter, and this time there may be no saving this country.

Hannity, on Fox News recently had videos of Generation Zero and also interviewed the individuals responsible for this video. Watch these videos and educate yourself before it's too late.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Amnesty and Illegal Immigrants

Fox New, CNN and others, along with the print media keep the immigration problem at the fore front of the news. We are hit, hourly and daily with news about what President Obama wants to do about the problem of illegal immigrants. We don't hear realistic solutions but we do hear how amnesty is the humanitarian thing to do. President Obama's supports make it seem that if you are against amnesty then you are a bigot or worse.

The truth of the matter is that American citizens, all over this country are tired of his lack of leadership and how he seems too far removed from the serious situations facing this country. His liberal ideas and liberal supports don't seem to care about this country or its legal residents.

You can not just give amnesty to illegal immigrants without first investigation who they are and why there are here. Just because they came here as a child, does not give them the right to remain here, especially if they are part of a gang, or they are living off the system. While amnesty may work for those who have entered the military and who have gainful employment, it can not simply be a blanket situation.

Amnesty should be looked at on an individual basis. Criminal records must be reviewed, as well as possible connections to drug cartels in Mexico. How, when and why they came must be assisted, as well as the reasons that kept them from using the Immigration System currently in place.

Amnesty has a place, but it is not necessarily in Immigration Reform. Common sense needs to rule, along with humanitarian reasoning. This is not the America of the past, with vast resources, abundant jobs and land. The Federal Government owns most of the land in the western part of this country and homesteading is a thing of the past. Big business and their lack of a moral compass has helped in the destruction of this country. Small businesses are failing daily and the economy is failing along with them.

Welfare Rolls are overflowing and American Taxpayers are tired of paying for individuals who refuse to work or take responsibility for themselves. Americans are just plain tired of the lies and corruption in Washington and in Big Business.

While many illegal immigrants are honest and hard working, many are not. While many illegal immigrants make wonder neighbors and friends, many do not. There is no easy answer to this problem, but common sense will go a long way in finding one.

Illegal immigrants need to know that this issue will be addressed and that it is their responsibility as well as ours to come up with a solution. If an individual wants to stay in this country and become an American Citizen then they should illustrate this by learning the language, by working hard and by coming forward without fear.

As Americans, we can find a resolution to this problem, without hate and without fear, if we work together,

Friday, July 2, 2010

More Than An Angry Day, Just Plain Mad

We all have days where anger gets the best of us, where everyone and everything bothers us. Today is more than that, it's a day where angry and turned to being madness. It's a day where hurting some one's feelings, could happen with out a single thought.

Watching the news just escalates the anger. Why does President Obama and Congressional Leaders think that the American People are stupid. Why do they think that they can do and say anything and we'll just sit down and take it. Don't they realize that living in the real world like we do, that we have friends and family without jobs, whose unemployment has run out. Don't they realize that we have children who can't find work, who want to go to school but they can't get financial aid. Don't they realize that we see how those who get Food Stamps eat better then most of the working class. Don't they realize that we see how the Credit Card Companies have stolen from us, the American Taxpayer? Don't they know that we have family member who can't afford to see a doctor, a dentist or have their eyes checked?

Why have our leader allowed prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to be removed from our schools? Why does being politically correct mean more than being honest? Why have we allowed schools to become war zones? Why do our leaders play games with the American Public? Where have the leaders gone?

Americans are tired of the lies, from President Obama, from Congress, from the media, from the unions and from religious leaders. We want and need the truth from all fronts and much to the dismay of our so called leaders, we can and will handle the truth.

So yes it's an angry day, but it's more than that, it's a just plain mad day, from an run of the mill American.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Immigration Reform and Welfare

President Obama spoke this morning on how badly this country needs Immigration Reform. This is nothing new, most Americans would agree that it has been long over due. The only problem is that President Obama and Congress either doesn't see or refuses to see how Welfare plays a part in this.

It is really pretty simple, why would anyone work, especially hard labor, when they can just sit at home and get a check from the government. While welfare might be well meaning, it has created a society of lazy, do nothing individuals. President Obama is right, illegal immigrants work as migrant workers, picking much of this country crops. But, if the government didn't dole out money like water, maybe Americans would get off their lazy butts and work in the fields, like our grandparents and great grandparents did. Hard work never hurt anyone, but welfare has been and continues to create generations of individuals that feel that this kind of work is beneath them.

Once upon a time in this country, taking a hand out from the government was frowned on. Parents and grandparents encouraged children to stand on their own two feet and make something of themselves. Now, it's okay to sit at home and wait on the welfare check. It's okay not to take responsibility for your actions. We have created a society that believes the government and taxpayers owe something. They scream about their skin color, property level, ethnic background, whatever reason they can think up to get something for nothing.

Enough already, it's time for all Americans to start picking up the pieces of this country and start working together to make our lives and the lives of our children better. Immigration Reform has to occur but along with it needs to come Welfare Reform. We need common sense solutions without politics, religion or ethnic crap brought into the mix.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Warning Sings Placed in Arizona

The Obama Administration continues to show their lack of understanding in regards to the illegal immigration situation in Arizona and the other Border States. The Warning Signs that were placed in the Arizona desert were a slap in the face to Governor Brewer, the citizens of Arizona and to the citizens of this country. Is this the help and assistance that he promised Governor Brewer. Is this how he and his administration justifies the lose of life and liberty to Arizona and the remaining States?

Washington Politicians, media personalities such as Juan Williams are beyond the pale. While the people in Arizona, Texas and California are being overwhelmed by drug cartels and illegal immigrants, they sit back and say how wonderful President Obama is and what a great job he is doing. The lack of leadership coming from Washington is horrific and humiliating. Threatening a law suit on a state that is only trying to protect it's citizens and this country has a whole is wrong and a waste of  taxpayer money.

Citizens of this Country need to wake up and realize that if the current Administration tries to take a Arizona's Right to protect it's citizens , what else will it try and take away. Americans from all walks of life need to understand just how dangerous the Border States have become for its citizens. Instead of supporting the craziness coming out of Washington, Americans need to let their leaders in Washington know that this behavior will not be tolerated, in Arizona or any other state in this Country.

If Washington can't or won't secure our borders, how can we expect them to protect and serve the rest of this country? Why won't they listen to Governor Brewer who deals with these issues? Do the Liberals in Washington really think that the rest of the Country don't see how important this issue is? Wait, they don't care what the rest of us think, they consider us uneducated and stupid.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Peggy West, The Next YouTube Sensation

Recently, Peggy West, a 12th District Supervisor from Milwaukee, became the latest YouTube sensation. How did she receive this honor, by showing her absolute ignorance of simple geography and her ignorance of the illegal immigration problem. Thankfully she had a fellow councilman jump in and give her a quick geography lesson.

It is outrageous that Peggy West, who is the Chairperson of the Health and Human Needs Committee and a member of the Economic and Community Development Committee is so ill equipped. Her basic lack of common sense is unbelievable. She actually admitted to Goggling for information. While the Internet does supply a vast warehouse of information, anyone with a lick of common sense knows that you have to be carefully with the information. That's why the media has fact checkers employed. to research and double check information.

It is a sign of the times, when elected officials can not discuss relevant issues and have the facts to backup their points of view. Very often persons are elected to office based on their ethnic or racial background.  Even gender or sexual orientation can come into play. Liberals would have you believe that these issues are more important than the persons experience, their education or lack thereof. Liberals would have you believe that this is how America should elect their public officials.

Americans should elected public officials based on the individuals strength of character, their morals and values and for the ideas these individuals promote. Ethnic background, race, gender and sexual orientation should have no place in how America votes.

Illegal Immigration is a hot topic across America. It doesn't matter where you live. The burden that it places on health care, our legal system and the economy is profound. Most Americans can trace their family roots back to someone who immigrated to this country. America was founded and built by immigrants, there for, many Americans find this a vital and important issue. Unfortunately Peggy West but a face to the lack of education of this issue.

America is changing and along with this change comes turmoil. The issue of illegal immigration is an overwhelming and politically charged topic. Politician need to get an Atlas and learn where the border states are in reference to Mexico. They may also want to hire fact checkers, to keep them from appearing ignorant and uninformed. Americans need to reevaluate how and why they vote for someone running for public office.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Freedom of Speech or Just Poor Taste

Funerals are one of the worst events that a person can attend, add in the fact that you may be burying a spouse, or your child and it is even more heinous. Losing a loved one is a horrible thing to have to deal with, but unfortunately one that happens all to often.

The United States is at war and has been at war for over 10 years. With war comes death, burial and mourning. Burying someone you love is hard enough without having to deal with protesters. Add into the mix that these protesters are members of a church and call themselves Christians and you have added cruelty.

Saying goodbye to someone you love is something that we will all have to do at some time in our life. Funerals allow us the time to grieve, but also remember the person we lost in better times. We can share our memories, the good and the bad, we can cry and laugh and hopeful make it through the process.

But, protesting at a fallen soldiers funeral is not a Christian act. It is something a person does to obtain their 15 minutes of fame. As a religious person, no matter what your faith, you should realize how wrong this type of behavior is and while it may be viewed as freedom of speech, it is wrong.

The men and women who make the decision to enlist, do so, in order to allow us as Americans to have the right to Free Speech. Even if you do not agree with the war, you should honor their devotion to this country and the freedoms that they have fought and died to defend. These brave souls have the right to be laid to rest with dignity and love, not with signs of hate and ugliness.

For the ACLU to become involved in favor of these protesters is beyond belief. The ACLU had the ability to defend these protesters because of the sacrifice of these military men and women. How ironic that the ACLU would stand up for these protester, instead of the families.

As Americans we have the right to protest. That being said, we do not have the right to harm families by protesting at their loved ones funeral. This is an obscene, cowardly act by unchristian individuals. Understanding what drives these people is unfathomable to most people. Perhaps if they had to live through the same thing, then they would understand the pain they are causing. If nothing else, they should read what the Bible says about forgiveness, love and understanding. Maybe they should think for themselves instead of doing what their religious leader tells them to do. Protesting at a funeral is not Freedom Speech, it just poor taste and basically just wrong.

We don't have to agree about the war. We don't have to agree about our men and women choosing to enlist in the military. What we do have to do is honor their wishes. We need to have honor ourselves and allow the  families to mourn and grieve in peace. Funerals are painful on the best of days without outsides screaming and yelling ugly and distaste comments.

The veterans who appear at these funerals to protect the families are heroes and are to be applauded for the honor they show they fallen comrades and their families. American citizens should also standby the families and show their support, regardless of political views. Respecting each other at these times should be more important than political ideals. Media outlets should refuse to write or report on these protesters. If you take away their 15 minutes of fame, then they will crawl back from where ever they came from.

Remember our fallen military men and women with honor and respect. Support their families and loved one with the same respect that you would want to receive. Remember the Golden Rule. Do on to others, as you would want done on to you.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bono and Forty Cents

A recent TV ad had Bono and other celebrities talking about what 40cents can buy. A dryer sheet, a helium balloon and 2 HIV Pills. I'd like to know where 40 cents can buy medications for HIV, certainly not in this country. HIV medications cost several hundred dollars a month, not a few cents.

Maybe he was talking about the cost in Africa or other third world countries. Pharmaceutical Companies send millions of dollars of medications to other countries, yet charge Americans outrages amounts of money. This covers the cost of sending the drugs out of this country. Bono and other celebrities appear on TV and encourage us to send money to help out with the HIV epidemic in Third World Countries. While this is worthwhile endeavor, I question the ad and 40 cents.

Also, these celebrities make millions, why aren't they sending millions of dollars to Africa and other countries out of there own pockets? Why aren't they lobbying the pharmaceutical companies to donate medications, instead of charging for them?

As a member of the human race, and a member of the Health care Industry, I am concerned about the spread of HIV. I am also concerned about the cost of caring for someone with HIV, especially if they convert to full blown AIDS. It also bothers me that celebrities and others seem to think that if we throw money at it, we can fix it. In the Third World Countries we need to look at providing education on the spread of HIV and what they can do as a people to stop it. But we need to recognize that we will be fighting cultural and religious issues.

There was a time that there was truth in advertising. That time has long pasted and we need to be aware that most of the TV, radio and other media ads may be falsehoods, and or half truths. While I don't doubt Bono and the other celebrities in their advocacy for HIV and providing HIV medications. I do doubt the truth of the advertisement. We need to be more aware of where our money goes and who it goes to. Remember what happened after 9-11 and the American Red Cross. Millions of dollars were unaccounted for and to this day, the truth about where it went if unknown.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Battle For Arizona

All eyes are turned west towards Arizona. The citizens of this beautiful state are under attack from illegal immigrants and from the Federal Government. The State of Arizona is trying to solve a dangerous situation that effects it's citizens. Rape, murder, robbery, and illegal drugs are destroying the state and it's citizens. Arizona and other border states are struggling with uncontrolled immigration, and the Mexican drug cartels.

The Governor of Arizona met with President Obama and he promised that he would send a task force to the state to assess the situation and meet the the Arizona Governor. That was over two weeks ago, and they have yet to show up. This is another example of the lack of leadership from the current administration. It's just another example of how out of touch our President and his administration is. They just want to ignore this dangerous situation. Then to add insult to injury, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, announces while out of the country, in Ecuador, that President Obama plans to sue the State of Arizona. How outrageous that this was released not from Washington, but a South American country.

The citizens of Arizona have a right to protect themselves and their property, without the Federal Government interfering. The citizens of Arizona have had to tolerate much and they have  lost much over the years. Where has the Federal Government been while all of this has been going on? Why have they ignored the cries of the Citizens of Arizona? Why do they put illegal immigrants before the citizens of Arizona and of this Country? Why do they put the President of Mexico in front of the media and let him berate the State of Arizona and it's citizens. This is a man who needs to deal with the problems of his own country and stay out of our Country's business. But, then the government of Mexico publish and distribute pamphlets for illegal immigrants. Money pours across the border from illegal immigrants and into the pockets of the Mexican Government.

Why is the Federal Government suing the State of Arizona? There are vagrancy laws in every state, in every county and in every city or town in this country. If you are stopped by law enforcement in a traffic stop or even jaywalking, you are asked for your papers. Only in this country we call it your drivers license or ID. This is nothing new, if you don't have some form of identification, you can be arrested for vagrancy. Remember the movie Rambo, that's what the title character was arrested for.

The majority of Americans have ancestors that were immigrants. When they first arrived in this country, they went through the immigration process. Why, now after all this time does our government want to hand over this country to illegal immigrants? Why are they ignoring the American Citizens and what we want and what we need? Washington and the power players need to wake up and smell the voting booth. America is tired of their inaction.

Arizona and other border states are dealing with horrific situations that are often life threatening. These states have been left to fend for themselves. Supposed President Obama made a remark that if he secures the borders now, then there will be no support for immigration reform. This was supposedly stated to Senator Kyl in the Oval Office. The video was shown on Bill O'Reilly. Of course, the immediate response was that Senator Kyl misunderstood what the President was saying. It sounds like President Obama stuck his foot in his mouth and the spin doctors are doing damage control.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Political Machine In Washington Prevents Clean Up In The Gulf

If you believe the propaganda that is pouring out of Washington, then you are buying in to what the political machine is selling. According to the power players in our country's seat of power, we don't have the capability to stop the oil spill in the gulf. This is really a crock of lies and mistruths.

The United States Navy has multiple staging areas with equipment and trained men and women, qualified to handle and deal with this horrific disaster. The United States Navy and The United States Coast Guard are the ones who cleaned up the Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska. The Navy has skilled deep sea drivers and other deep sea equipment at their fingertips. Why has it taken so long for our leaders to responsed?

Our country received offers of help from more then 28 foreign countries and companies who have the equipment and ships at their disposal to help us. But, our leaders in Washington played politics and refused their help. With the scope of this disaster, it is unconscionable that our government would refuse these multiple offers of assistance. How utterly stupid that they would refuse offers to help, after all, how many times have we answered calls for help. Tony Hayward, CEO of BP had of offers of deep sea equipment from James Cameron, the director of Avatar. Let's not forget that Cameron is uniquely qualified when it comes to working in difficult situations.

Every day more and more damage is being done to the ocean, wet lands, and beaches. Our government is letting this disaster continue and they are letting the American public down. We expect our leaders to lead, not sit on their hands and cry "woe is me". If you don't have the guts to do the job, then step aside and let someone with real leadership ability get the job done. This admininstration is letting lives be destroyed with their lack of leadership.

The gulf and it's people are seeing their way of life destroyed and we get to watch our political leaders question Tony Hayward, CEO of BP on what he knew. Please, this is just more play acting out of Washington. Our so called leaders in Washington need to come down out of their Ivory Towers and get their hands dirty for a change.

This just seems like that the political machine in Washington is using this disaster to keep pushing their Cap and Trade Agenda. It's like political blackmail against the American People. The Governor of Louisiana, should tell Washington to stick it and just do what he thinks needs to be done and send President Obama the bill. If Obama can let stimulus money be spent on crap then he certainly can get stimulus money to Louisiana and other hard hit states to help with this oil spill.

Let's not forget that it was former President Bill Clinton who made them drill in 5000 feet of water. They originally wanted to drill closer to the shore, but was denied permission. So, if we are going to cast blame, lets start at the beginning.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Affirmative Action And It's Negative Impact

When affirmative action first appeared in our American Culture, it was hailed as a way to equal the playing field for minorities. It's objectives and goals were admirable. Minorities would be receive help to feed their families, educate their children, provide health care for those in need. While affirmative action may have had good intentions, it has hampered and possible hindered future generations. The negative impact that it has had on our children will be felt for years to come.

At one time in this country, people of all races took pride in their work, in their family and in them self. They didn't stand with their hand out, waiting for the government to give them something, for doing nothing. People may have been poor, but they kept their houses clean. Their clothes may have been mended, but they were clean. They cleaned houses, dug ditches, picked the fields, swept the streets all for money they honestly earned.

Now, we have multiple generations growing up on government assistance. Where has the pride gone that past generations exhibited? Why is it now, okay to take government handouts? Why do the leaders of minority groups seem to encourage this behavior? Why is it not possible to have real meaningful reform the affirmative action? If our political leaders really cared about the American Citizen and the future of this country, they would actively work to make positive changes to affirmative action.

It is past time that people looked at welfare as a temporary program. Welfare should never have become a permanent fixture for anyone. It should have been and should be a stepping stone to a better life. There should be limits to the length of time a person and or family can remain on the program. If you want to be a productive member of society, then you should have the drive to find a way to get off the government welfare roll.

It is more common for people to use welfare as an excuse. It may be the color of their skin, their gender, where they live, it still sounds like an excuse. It is time for all Americans, no matter where they live, no matter their political affiliation and no matter the color of their skin to take a hard look at affirmative action. It's time as come and gone. It is time for all Americans to become the people we can be through education, training, job sharing, and through peaceful and deliberate thought.

It is a time to a stop to the abuse of affirmative action. It is time to develop pride in who we are as person, group and especially as a citizen of this great country. While this country is far from perfect and we as a people have a long way to go,  we are all Americans. It doesn't matter what the color of our skin, gender, or where we live, we really do live in the greatest country on this planet.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Truth About Inflation

If you believe what the leaders in Washington tell us, then we aren't experiencing any form of inflation. If you watch the various Financial Shows on FOX, CNN, MSN and etc, they have varying views on our current economic status and inflation.

If you live on Main Street, where most of us live, then you know that inflation is here and has been here for quite some time. All you have to do is look at the cost of groceries, now and then look back a year or even 5 years. Now while the cost of things do go up, it is unbelievable how much they have gone up in the last year. You can even chart the increase cost of staples on weekly if not daily basis, ask anyone who goes to the grocery store, anywhere in this country.

The current political atmosphere, seems to ignore the fact that inflation is a living, breathing part of our everyday life. We are faced with it every time we venture into the grocery store, pharmacy or any other store. Why our politically leaders keep refusing to ignore the obvious, is beyond understanding. It seems that, that they believe, if they keep saying that it's not true, then it will go away on it's own.

Inflation happened during the recession in the 1970's, and while many do not believe that we are currently being hit with inflation. Back in the 1970's, the buying and selling of gold was everywhere. Now, we are hit daily by ads encouraging us to buy and or sell our gold. Could this be a coincident, perhaps, or is it a case of history repeating itself?

Here is a small example green beans in the 80's sold on sale 10 for a dollar then it went to 5 for a dollar then 4 today i paid 69cents fro the same can that i bought 4 weeks ago for 59 cents not on sale. Look closely you will see an increase across the board of up to 20%

Inflation is here and will be here for quite some time. Sticking your head in the sand, will not make it go away. Some time you will have to pull your head out of the sand or what bodily orifice that you have it stuck in and realize the truth about inflation.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Challenge To the Political Establishment in South Carolina

The national media is aghast that a political unknown won the South Carolina Democratic Primary. The commentators on Fox News repeatedly questioned how and why Alvin Green won the Primary. Of course they brought into play how could an unemployed veteran afford the entry fee. Then they wonder how he could be elected when his budget was $2000.00. Fox News is not alone, all the major media outlets are questioning the election results.

Then there is the ousted incumbent, he of course is challenging the result. How could a veteran politician lose to an unemployed, unknown American Citizen. It defies logic, or does it?

Politicians need to wake up and realize that the American Public is fed up with being ignored by their so called leaders. This applies to local, state and federal governments. The Average American wants smaller government, not bigger. They want their leaders to listen to them, not treat them like children.

Politicians seem to believe that the Average American can not think for themselves. That we have no idea what is in the best interest our community, our state or our country. They seem to think that they have all the answers and that we are too dumb to realize what is in our best interests.

Perhaps Alvin Green, with his simple flyer touched a nerve with the people of South Carolina. Perhaps the people of South Carolina, like the rest of the country are fed up with politicians who ignore them and their concerns. Perhaps this is a wake up call to the political establishment.

It will be a while before we actually know the entire truth about the election, it still makes you wonder if the American People are sending a wake up call to the political establishment.

During the Presidential Election, we were promised change and transparency. Maybe the American People have decided that if the current elected officials won't give it us, then we will just have to make a change. Perhaps American citizens have decided to take back their government from our so called leaders. Maybe South Carolina is a sign to all incumbents that the is a change blowing across America.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Reality of Going Green

How many times a day are we encouraged to "GO GREEN". We hear from the Science Community about how we are destroying our environment. We hear how our carbon foot print affects the world around us. While we should be concerned with our environment, the reality is that Going Green is very expensive and most Average Americans can not afford the price tag.

While there is public transportation in metropolitan areas, there is none available in rural areas of this country. Individuals must relieve on automobiles and fossil fuel. Without a car or truck, they can't go to work, school or anywhere else.

While it would be wonderful to have solar panels or wind turbines on homes, the cost is too expensive for the Average American household. How many of us reduce the amount of electricity we consume, to reduce the demand for fossil fuels?

Water usage should be a priority for everyone, but how many individuals really monitor how much water they use in a day, a month or even a year. How many are willing to reduce the number of showers or baths that they take? How many would reduce the amount of laundry they do in a day or even a week?

Environmental friendly detergent and household cleaners are wonderful. But, how many of us can afford the expense?

Going Green is a reality that is along way from being affordable for the Average American Family. Most Americans are conserving water and electricity because of budget reasons. We purchase the cheapest detergent or cleanser to save money not the environment.

Environmentalist scream about the lack of concern for our planet, but the reality is that most of us are worried about keeping a roof over our heads, food on the table and paying our bills. Until there are realistic changes to the cost of Going Green, most of us have no alternative but to continue on as we are.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Breaking the Languare Barrier

This great country has a wide and diverse background due to different cultures that have come to its shores. The hows and whys of how they got here are at times horrific, but the end result is that they have added greatly to our growth and most importantly to our culture.

Initially, immigrants kept to themselves, in their neighborhoods. This is where they were most comfortable because the language and the customs were familiar.  This continues even today, the difference being that TV exposes immigrants to more diversity then ever before.

Many immigrants, when they came to our shores, Americanized their names. Often, because officials had difficulty understanding how to pronounce their names. People can argue that there was no sensitivity to the immigrants. But,  if you talk to the sons and daughters of these people, the first generation born in this country, you may walk away if a different understanding.

Many immigrants, had and continue to have a desire to embrace America and our language, while still maintaining their rich culture and heritage. Governments both large and small in this country have created an arena that promotes bigotry. When you separate a people because they can not speak and understand each other, you create an atmosphere of suspicion and even fear.

Consider this, if you can take a drivers test in one language, but can't read the road signs, how safe are you as a driver? Also, if you become ill and are in need of medical care, but the doctors and nurses can't understand you, how can they help you?

Common sense would lead you to believe that having one language, the American Language, which has it's roots in multiple cultures, should be encourage. This would allow better communication and better understanding among people.

Liberals and special interest would say that this is racist. But, they have their own agenda. If we can understand each other, then we can learn to appreciate each other and will learn to meet each other as equals.  Governments and other groups could not prey on misunderstanding and fear. That being said, we may not get along with each other all the time, but then again, most families don't.

Respecting each other and where we came from is the first key. Learning to understand each other is the next step. Most of us, no matter where our mothers and fathers came from, have one thing in common. We are trying to work hard, provide for our families and improve the lives of our family. Sounds like we may have more in common then we think.

People are different, that's what makes this country so special. Our culture is unique and like no other, because of the diversity of it's members. While far from perfect and with a long way to go, the first step may be learning to speak with each other in the American Language.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Do You Know What The Constitution Says?

Have you taken the time to reflect on how many Americans do not know what our Constitution and Bill of Rights really state about our Rights and Liberties? How many of us can truly say they know what our political leaders can and can not do under the Constitution?

If you take the time to read the Constitution, you can actually read and understand the turmoil and growth that our country had  gone through. While far from perfect, our country and it's citizens is preferable to others in the world. Our country is still young, and with that comes growing pains. Have we treated all of our citizens fairly from the beginning? Absolutely not, but we are learning!

The question is, do we continue to let our so called leaders both in state and the national level, treat us like children, to dumb to understand how everything works. The answer is NO! As an American, we all need to take the time to read the Constitution and understand what it says. Forearmed is Forewarned. If we know what it says, then our so called leaders can simply pat us on the head and have us sit in a corner quietly.

Schools should be teaching our future generation about the builders of our Constitution. There should be an emphases on making sure our children understand how our government is supposed to work. Too many young people have no idea what the Bill of Rights or the Constitutions even means to them, both as individual an as a whole.

America needs to wake up and start letting our leaders know that we are not going to sit idly by and let them destroy a document that past generations have fought and died for. Americans have wrestled with the true meaning of the Constitution and have grown both as a country and as a People. While not perfect, we are a work in progress. We will not let them destroy our future or the future of our children.

Take the time to read and understand this vital document. If not for yourself, then for future generations.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Storm of Cowards

Recently, while listening to Glenn Beck, The Storm Handbook was fore front in his comments. He urged his listeners to download and read this information. Having done so, why does the historic information fail to supply the names of the founding fathers of the organization?

Now, it seems that, if you are proud of what you have formed and proud of what it stands for, that you would want your name on it. Within this handbook, can no proud names be found. If these individuals won't stand up or stand by what they have written, how can anyone trust them.

This handbook talks about how horrible it was that the Soviet Union collapsed, that China has made moves towards capitalism. They scream how horrible capitalism is, yet, not once do they talk about how horrible the lives were in the old USSR. Food shortages, fuel shortages, lack of housing for the average individual. They don't talk about how difficult life is and was for the Chinese people. Yet, they hold these groups up as icons. They hold Communism as the answer to all our problems. If you can stand up in the public eye, if you can't put your name and face out to the public, then you are a coward.

The Average American, the members of Main St, want to live happy, productive lives. We want to provide for our families, we want a decent home, to enjoy our lives as we see fit. Not the way someone else tells us we have to. It's the average American who sends their sons and daughters off to war, it's been that way since this country was founded. It was their blood that bought our freedom and keeps us free.

Take the time to talk with individuals that lived through the Depression, fought in the different armed conflicts and wars, those are heroes, not cowards. Take the time to talk with someone from a different culture, a different skin color, you will see that in the end, we are all the same. Learn to think for yourself, that's what this country is about, being able to think and believe the way you want to.

It's true that we don't always get along, but compared to where we have been, we have come along way. Groups like Storm, takes these differences and uses them to their advantage, not ours. Being different from each other isn't easy and it can be frightening, but it's also what makes us strong.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Winners and Losers

When I was growing up, competition was present in every aspect of my childhood. With my siblings, friends and classmates and of course in sports and with school. This continued on through adolescence and even into my adulthood. It was a normal part of growing up. But somewhere along the way things changed. Competition with real winners and losers started to disappear.

I first noticed it when my children became involved in sports. The coaches were mostly moms who volunteered when no fathers were available. Moms, being moms, they never want children to be hurt or disappointed. Children would get trophies, just to keep them from feeling like losers. So, instead of teaching children in the developmental years, that there are winners and losers. That not everyone wins at everything, we have taught our children that it is ok to be losers. That mediocrity is fine, that just showing up makes them winners. We haven't taught our children that failure, along with losing is a part of life. We haven't taught them that trying harder, working hard, striving harder will help them reach their full potential.

With this, "it's ok to lose" attitude so ingrained in our children, there is a sense that it's ok to be second best. There is no drive to be the best, to overcome obstacles that life puts in front of them. There is a "so what" attitude that you see in their lack of work ethic, how they dress, how they interact with others, in every aspect of who they are and sadly who they may become. Recently, a major pizza restaurant starting running a TV advertisement that played to this entire phenomenon. What does say about our culture?

Our children are becoming followers and not the leaders that they need to be. In this world that they will inherit from us, they will need leaders who can think for themselves and stand by their decision. Our children will have to be stronger then we have been. But with this kind of mentality, how will our children achieve their full potential?

Parents, coaches, teachers and the adult population in general need to take a hard look at how we promote learning, sports and life overall. We need to take a step back in time and get back to basics. If we don't start helping our children, and grandchildren learn the concept of winners and losers then we may lose an entire generation to a downward spiral of mediocrity.

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Sad Truth of a Country on the Verge of Emplosion

Once upon a time, in a land full of hope and promises, a new country slowly emerged. It wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but yet, it held the promise of greatness. Through hard times and worse times it's greatness grew. Along with this greatness, the potential for prosperity for the masses grew.

Sadly, with this growth came chaos and calmity. Political groups grew and with that came anger and bitter adversity. Unfortunately, in this tale there is no evil prince or princess, no evil witch or stepmother. The wickedness comes in the form of large, unchecked political groups that pit normal Americans against each other. Perhaps they see this as a way to keep control of the masses. If we are too busy fighting with each other, then we can't see what they are doing to us.

But, here is a simple truth, with all the chaos going on in the world around us, there are pockets of people working together, without regard to race, gender or political affiliation.

These individuals work and play together, they laugh and cry together. They don't see color, or gender, they don't see the have and have not. They really don't care what each other does in the privacy of their home. It's not their business, what each other does behind closed doors.

What they see is friend and co worker. They are a family of sorts. Like all families they can be dysfunctional at times, but regardless they respect and support each other. Perhaps the key is communication and understanding.Why is it that the leaders of this great country don't get this simple truth?

Why does it seem that the political leaders encourage adversity between Americans of all races, genders and ages? Why do so called religious leaders spout off anger, animosity and bitterness. What does this accomplish but more of the same. I always believed that religious leaders were men and women who's goal was to teach us ways of forgiveness, kindness and generousity. It is unfortunate that in this great country, they have grown into a business of greed, of blame and shame.

Why does the media spout of information with some kind of political slant? It's history repeating itself. Yellow Journalism is a term heard in a century past. It seems that we are living through this again. Why not report the facts and let us make up our own minds? Why do they act like we can't be trusted to know our own hearts and minds?

As an average American, as a so called member of main street, I can think for myself. I can decide on what I know is right and moral. I can make up my on mind without someone telling me that their way is the only way. I c.hoose how to live my life