Sunday, November 13, 2011

Politicially Incorrect or Just Strong

I don't think that the words politically correct and Herman Cain can be used in the same sentence. I do however, believe that strength of conviction can be used. This is a man who says what he means and means what he says. He may not be perfect in how he speaks, but I do believe that he will stand by what comes out of his mouth.

During the recent South Carolina Debate, he was asked about torture, while most of the panel took the path of least resistance, Mr. Cain stood by his conviction and stated what a lot of us believe. A lot of Americans would rather "Waterboard" a terrorist in the hope of saving American lives then pussy foot around and hope that the information lands in our lap.

Our military have had their hands tied by Liberals and the ACLU. As a mother of a young man, getting ready to join the Marines, I can tell you that if I had to "Waterboard" someone to get the information need to save his life and the lives of others, I would be the first person in line with the hose.

Many of us are just damn tired of hearing the rhetoric that pours out of career politicians. We are tired of working hard, so others can receive so called entitlements. We are tired of bailing out large corporations. We are just plain tired.

Hopefully, Mr Cain will continue to speak his mind. Hopefully the media and those out to nail his hide to the door, will learn that he is not a coward and he will stand and fight. Just perhaps he is the real thing, a Real Leader.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Conspiracy or Democractic Plot

When Herman Cain first appeared on the Republican stage for the first debate, he was placed far away from the so called front runners. Over time, the public listened to what he had to say and public opinion grew in his favor. People started to take notice of him and his message. His popalarity started to grow and he started to climb in the polls. Republicans and Democrats started to pay attention.

Suddenly, it was Romney and Perry people were talking about, it was Herman Cain. Then the dirt started flying, and things started to climb out of the wood work. The timing is definitly interesting to say the least. The media climbed all of this so called story and made more stories up as they went. This is what passes for journalism in today's world.

I really don't care what label you put on it, conspiracy, democratic plot or manipulation by an individual or individuals to acheive their 15 minutes of fame. It all distracts from the real story, which is the race for the Republican Nomination.

The media paints a picture of women wronged. Women, who for some reason, never came forward until now. As a woman, this doesn't make sense to  me. It would take more than $35,000.00 to shut me up. Let alone if I felt I had been sexually assulted. I would have made sure that his butt would be in jail or at least out of a job. None of these occurred, why not?

Think about this possiblity, the Democratic Party wants to take out any Republican threat to the re election by President Obama. Why wouldn't they go after Herman Cain? If you make him unattractive to female voters, then his chances of being the Republican Nominee for President are decreased. The Democratic Party knows that if he goes head to head with Obama, he has a strong chance of winning.

There is not one media outlet that hasn't jumped on the bandwagon with this so called story. Herman Cain doesn't play the game, and that drives them crazy. Americans are really tired to being told what to think and many of us are starting to see through all the smoke and mirrors. American want real change and real economic growth. Americans want real strength of characters, no a rock star mentality.

So, it doesn't matter if it is a conspiracy or a plot. What it is, is a distraction from the issues. If these women have proof, then it comes down to "he said, she said". Here is another question for you, How did Herman Cain become such a successful businessman, if he acted this way?

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Sexual Harrassement of Herman Cain

The Democrats and the media are surely on a crusade to blacken the name of Herman Cain. It just goes to show how afraid they are of the man. It amazes me how people crawl out of the woodwork to bad mouth an individual, once they are in the public eye.

Sexual Harassment is a foul thing, when it occurs, but it is a perception. Individuals often see things differently and because of how gray this area is, it can make proving sexual harassment extremely difficult. If it does occur, you would expect the financial compensation to have several zeros on the check. From what I have read and heard, it does sound like more of an irritation that the Restaurant Association want to resolve then an actual sexual harassment case.

Let's be real, if an attorney thought there was a lot of money to be made, it would have been a court case or court cases, not a settlement. Now, it just seems like a crusade to bad mouth an outsider. Herman Cain is a businessman, not a career politician  If he is guilty of sexual harassment, then yes, he should step aside.  But if all he is guilty of is being a little flirty or not having these women understand his comments, then the crap needs to stop.

Americans can not afford to be side tracked from the real issues. The media needs to stop their hidden agendas and just report the news. Back in the early 1800's they had a name for this kind of journalism, it was called "Yellow Journalism". So, to the media, just stick to the facts and keep your opinions to yourself, otherwise, just get a late night talk show.

I grew up on names like Huntley, Brinkley and Cronkite. Those were real journalist. So, all I can say is, simply, "Cain has my vote and the votes of these rest of my family."

Saturday, November 5, 2011

2012 and The End of Days

For the last couple of years, we have been bombarded with movies, commentary, documentaries, so on and so on. The thing that really bothers my soul, is that very little, if any of the information out there, talks about the religious information.  It all seems to be about "shock and awe". If we scare people enough, then maybe we can control them.

Do I worry about 2012 and the possible End of Days, absolutely, but I have faith and a strong belief in God. This is what gets me through life. Do I believe in the Rapture? What I believe is that NO ONE knows when the end of the world will happen. I know what the Bible teaches, I know what my faith teaches. I know that I am not ready to meet my Lord, but I work and pray every day to be better. I put my faith in what I can't see but what my heart tells me surrounds my family and myself.

We have gotten away from what is important. We have but our lives in the hands of individuals, corporations, societies and governments that are godless and who care nothing for us. We live our lives in fear of what man may do to us. The world may end tomorrow, what do you have to show for it? Money, power? What good is it is you die and go the hell?

2012 may be the End of Days, but what if it isn't? What then?

Life is Still Hard

I have been away for awhile, working too many hours, just to make a decent wage. I hate watching the news, because all you hear is "the sky is falling". Anyone who works, or is trying to find a job, knows that the sky fell along time ago.

Just walk in to any grocery store and look at the cost of food, not to mention the cost of gas. All we here is excuses for why our economy is in the toilet, but not one person can find a solution to the problems. Here is a radical idea, how about not outsourcing American jobs. Wow, what a concept!

Life right now in America sucks, but it could be a whole lot worse. So for now we need to be grateful that we can still believe in God, we can still honor our country and our warriors and we can still tell our leaders that they are idots. So, I will keep working and praying and speaking my mind (at least as long as I have one).