Monday, August 30, 2010

Hollywood's Big Night Out

Isn't it interesting that we were all entertained by the Emmy Awards this weekend. Now we get to hear about what they wore, if it look great or if it was up to par. Hollywood enjoyed a great night out. Isn't that just wonderful, or maybe not.

Why is it that so many of us can't wait to watch or read how the other half lives? Why is it that we allow Hollywood to influence our lives so much? Why do we may so much attention to what these individuals think or even don't think?

I enjoy a good television show and movie as much as the next person. But, I don't let what Hollywood thinks influence how I live my life. I'm the only one who knows what I need or don't need. I'll let you in on a little secret, none of them have an ass made out of gold. They may think they do, but they don't.

So, before you let your decisions in life be guided by Hollywood, try thinking for yourself. Listen to the news, read a newspaper, read a book or even talk to your friends and neighbors. It may change your life forever.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Death of the American Dream

I can remember growing up, how hard my father worked to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. He was a soldier, a farmer, a husband and a wonderful father. He taught all of us true American Values, and he also taught us to stand on our own two feet.

While it has never been easy, it has been worth all of the hard work. The sad truth is, that more and more Americans can't even find work and there fore can't work towards the American Dream. In the past couple of decades our Presidents and Representatives in Congress have let American Business move out of this country and by their actions have hurt the American Citizen.

We hear all about the Global Economy and Global Business but we don't hear about the profits made by American Companies in countries like China. Why, because American Companies don't have to report their profits from foreign countries. Let's be real, it's always been about greed, and the over all bottom line.

They pay foreign workers a pittance and have taken away the American Dream from the citizens of this country. We are supposed to understand and not feel outraged at the lose of jobs, foreclosures, increasing numbers on the welfare rolls. It's okay that we can't feed our families or keep a roof over our families head.

The American Worker needs to be active in politics. We need to make our voices heard. We have to stay strong and exercise our right to vote. If you don't want to live in a socialistic country it is time to remember who we are and that this is our country. The American Dream is dying a slow death and with it goes our country, formerly known as America.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Our Children's Education

When our children go away to college or even if they attend a local college, as parents we need to be wary of financial aid advisers and possibly the college itself. Often our children go to college and trust in the ability of their advisers to guide them through the tangles of financial aid.

Unfortunately, my daughter found out the hard way that colleges are not on your side. She is a student at Western Kentucky University or WKU and just found out that even through she has over $4000.00 in financial aid available she will have to pay for a full semester herself or sit out a year. Now, is in an honor student with a 3.75 GPA and has beaten the odds to get as far as she has come. But, because she dropped a class (she was failing and she didn't want to drop her GPA, according to the SAP rules, she is screwed.

What bothers me, is that no one from WKU made any attempt to discuss the issue with her. When I went to college, your advisers were always there to assist and guide, now they just seem to be there to collect a pay check. This is why secondary education is in such a bind and why our children are left to struggle through the process of financial aid alone.

So parents, help your children and guide them as best you can. If your children go to WKU, have them transfer out to a better environment. Online school are wonderful and provide a great alternative to traditional secondary educational institutes.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Buyer Beware

There have always been salesmen or pitchmen knocking on our doors. If we could go back in time, they were probably knocking on caves trying to sale something. While sales are a necessary evil, consumers most now more than ever be wary of sales pitches.

The truth of the matter is simple, if it sounds too good to be true, then it's a rotten deal to begin with. In today's economy, most of us can't afford to be taken by some smooth talking pitchman. They make it sound cheap and easy and so affordable. But what really happens when the bill comes?

If you buy something or elect to receive a service from someone, make sure you get everything in writing. Don't pay up front, make sure the job is completed. Be sure to have a phone number and address that really works. Talk to the Better Business Bureau, check their references, and talk to your neighbors.

We have to be smart with our money, now more then ever. So be careful, ask questions and make sure that you get all your questions answered. BUYER BEWARE!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Living In Fear

There is not a day that goes by, that most Americans are not living in fear. This fear comes in many forms and can be devastating for all of us. With the declining economy, joblessness, the rising cost of gas, food and other necessities, American families are living in fear.

Fear is choking the life out of this country and it's citizens. So many of us wake up each morning, wondering if this will be the day that everything catches up to us. Will this be the day that we lose our job, will this be the day that we surrender to mounting debt?

There is not a day that goes by, that I don't wonder if my family and I would survive if we had to live through another Depression. I know that my grandparents did it and I know what hard work means, but could we really do what had to be done to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table?

There was a time in this country that neighbors helped each other and took care of each other, but that time is long gone. Some of us don't even know who our neighbors are and some want no part of their neighbors. With this type of mentality, how would people survive a Depression?

For some it is already too late. But for the rest of us, we need to wake up and start thinking how we would make it through really bad times. We all need to start taking responsibility for our debts, our friends and our neighbors. We need to starting coming together as a country before it is too late.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Discover BBC America

If you watch any of the cable news channels, then you eventually become tired of all the commentary that occurs. It is tiring to hear the continues harping on politics, President Obama and so on and so on.

If you take the time to investigate you might find an old fashion news show on BBC America. It really is refreshing and informative. They report on events occurring here in the United States and around the world. It reminds me of news reports from years ago. The reporters, report the news without the commentary.

Find the time to check it out.