Thursday, June 10, 2010

Storm of Cowards

Recently, while listening to Glenn Beck, The Storm Handbook was fore front in his comments. He urged his listeners to download and read this information. Having done so, why does the historic information fail to supply the names of the founding fathers of the organization?

Now, it seems that, if you are proud of what you have formed and proud of what it stands for, that you would want your name on it. Within this handbook, can no proud names be found. If these individuals won't stand up or stand by what they have written, how can anyone trust them.

This handbook talks about how horrible it was that the Soviet Union collapsed, that China has made moves towards capitalism. They scream how horrible capitalism is, yet, not once do they talk about how horrible the lives were in the old USSR. Food shortages, fuel shortages, lack of housing for the average individual. They don't talk about how difficult life is and was for the Chinese people. Yet, they hold these groups up as icons. They hold Communism as the answer to all our problems. If you can stand up in the public eye, if you can't put your name and face out to the public, then you are a coward.

The Average American, the members of Main St, want to live happy, productive lives. We want to provide for our families, we want a decent home, to enjoy our lives as we see fit. Not the way someone else tells us we have to. It's the average American who sends their sons and daughters off to war, it's been that way since this country was founded. It was their blood that bought our freedom and keeps us free.

Take the time to talk with individuals that lived through the Depression, fought in the different armed conflicts and wars, those are heroes, not cowards. Take the time to talk with someone from a different culture, a different skin color, you will see that in the end, we are all the same. Learn to think for yourself, that's what this country is about, being able to think and believe the way you want to.

It's true that we don't always get along, but compared to where we have been, we have come along way. Groups like Storm, takes these differences and uses them to their advantage, not ours. Being different from each other isn't easy and it can be frightening, but it's also what makes us strong.

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