The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church, citing The First Amendment and the Right to Free Speech. How can anyone with the tiniest bit of human compassion, believe that this had anything to do with Free Speech? It is nothing more than a hate crime hiding behind the mask of Christianity.
I believe in following your heart and your beliefs, but carrying signs and spouting off hateful remarks at funerals is basically immoral and sinful. These so called Christians need to read their Bible more and remember Christ's teachings. Remember, we don't have the right to judge, only God has that Right. The members of the Westboro Baptist Church need to remember that we don't get to Heaven by Grace alone. I don't believe that God will approve of their actions. They all nothing but a bunch of media hounds, hiding behind the pulpit.
The ruling by the Supreme Court, just brings home the realization that our beloved country is failing and has become overrun by immoral hypocrites. So, as an American Citizens, I am utilizing my Right to Free Speech, by calling the Westboro Baptist Church a haven for liars, the immoral and unchristian. Their actions, and words are hateful and their actions are those of a hate group. I personally feel that they are a bunch of cowards, who hide behind their church walls. If they had been alive during the time of Christ, they would have given him up to the Romans on a silver platter.
The goal of a church, of any faith is to spread the word and teaching of their God. Nothing that this church does can be seen as loving or kind. They are hateful and remind me of the Nazi during World War II. Personally, I don't believe that they are a church, but are using the tax code and media to line their own pocketbooks. Oops, there goes that Free Speech again.
So, if you see this bunch of idiots picketing a funeral in the near or distance future, use your Freedom of Speech and maybe even your car to block them from getting any where near the grieving family. Myself and other God Fearing Americans will applaud your efforts. Any while you are in your church or synagogue, pray for the fools who belong to this so called church, they need our prayers. They have made a mockery of true faith and need to see how true believers act.
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