It seems that Americans are drowning in the rising cost of gasoline in this country. If you live in a major metropolitan area, you have options as to how you can get to work or to a store. But if you live in other areas of this country, you are tied to your car. So many of us most travel fairly large distances in order to work or purchase food and other necessities for ourselves and our families. There is no train or bus or other means of public transportation.
I am so tired of the media and public figures spouting off about the cost of gasoline in England or other countries. I live in America. I work in America and I don't give a damn about the Global Economy. I worry about how I can afford to drive to work each day. I worry about having enough money to pay my mortgage, to buy groceries, to pay for the basic necessities. I worry about my children and about my neighbors. I worry about other Americans.
In a way, I am lucky, I grew up hard in the mountains of Virginia. I know what it's like to do without. We raised our own food, we had chickens and pigs. We hunted, killed and ate wild game. We didn't have running water, or even an indoor bathroom for much of my life. So, I know how to survive. But, what about other Americans, who have no idea how to make it with little to no money? Will most American make it or will there be riots in the streets? Will there be mass suicides or murder?
People don't seem to understand that gasoline runs our country. I am tired of how dense some Americans seem. How long can you hide your head in the sand? We all need to wake up and demand that Obama open up drilling off shore, open up drilling in Alaska, or make it economically feasible to convert our cars to Natural Gas. We need to become INDEPENDENT from OPEC.
At one time, Americans were known for their "can do" attitude. Now all we seem to hear is excuses. We hear them from the media (along with their unwanted opinions), we hear it from our elected officials, and we hear it from each other. We need to stop this pony ride and get back to business. We need to demand that our employees (our elected officials) start working for us and not for special interest groups, for other countries and for themselves.
We need to take back our country and we need to do it before there is no country left. If gas prices don't start coming down, this once great country may be destroyed and we may be only a foot note in history.
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