Sunday, February 6, 2011

The New Crusades

How many of us have heard the old saying, "History Repeats Itself."? Now, most of us, have the tendency to think that history repeats itself in the same manner, but that is not really the case. Muslims and Christians are involved in a New Crusade, a new religious war. The only difference in this crusade, is that Christians are under siege.

At one point, Faith was seen as a valuable assets. It shaped every part of a person's life. It directly impacted how one lead their life. Unfortunately, over time it became politically incorrect to even acknowledge that you had any sort of religious faith. So, while Americans allowed government to remove Faith and Pray from our schools and from our government buildings, other religions were growing in strength and numbers.

The Muslim Brotherhood is a prime example. Over the last few decades, this group has grown in strength and numbers. The New Crusades have begun and Christians have a target painted on their foreheads. The world needs to wake up and see what our future may hold, especially if the extremist Muslim factions gain in popularity.

Respect and understanding of the various religions in the world should be taught in school, minus political opinion. It is possible, that if we learn to understand different Faiths, that blood shed may be avoided in the future. But along with that must come pride in one's own Faith and Beliefs. It is absolutely possible to like a person and agree to disagree on personal religious viewpoints.

So, while the crisis in Egypt continues to grow and while the world watches, we all need to take a long hard look at ourselves and at our personal beliefs. The New Crusades are here and we all need to be prepared for the changes that we and future generations shall face.

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