Monday, January 17, 2011

Will We Lose Our Right To Bear Arms?

The Constitution of the United States of America grants its Citizens the Right to Own and Bear Arms. Since 1776, Americans have had the Right to keep weapons. It was these weapons that were used to win our freedom from England. Personal weapons were used to tame the West and what Texans used to fight for their independence from Mexico.

Now, granted times have changed, and we are subjected to unwanted violence. But, losing our Right to Bear Arms is not the answer. Americans are slowly losing each and every personal liberty. There may come a time when we have lost all of our Rights and all of our Liberty.

Our elected officials like to use scare tactics on us as a means to control us and to pass their agendas. Oh, they say it's for our own good, but it's just another way to control us and change our way of life. Here's an example, Smoking. We all know that it's bad for us, but if you buy a pack of cigarettes, it is a personal choice. But, most states have taken away that choice for American Citizens. It is really any of their business if you smoke or not? They are really good at throwing statistics at you, but if you have ever studied Statistics, then you know that numbers can be manipulated. Statistics can be bent to provide the whatever answer a person or group is looking for. Bars and restaurants should have the right to provide service to smokers and non smokers alike. No one and no government body should have had the right to take that choice from Americans.

In the days and weeks to come we will be subjected to a mountain of comments and opinions on gun control. We Will hear celebrities, the media and political figures speak on how "guns kill". No, the person holding the gun kills! We will hear how guns are no longer needed to protect our self and our family against foreign or domestic threats. That's a crock! Now more than ever, we need to fight for our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. When, any government starts talking about repealing our Rights and Liberties we need to stand up and listen.

I can trace my family roots back to before the Revolutionary War. My ancestors fought for their freedom and so should all of us. We need to stand up for our freedoms and we must defend our Country and Our Constitution. We live in an imperfect world, and an imperfect country. But American has been and should always be a beacon for freedom. As individuals and as country men we must come together and say NO! WE WILL NOT LOSE ANYMORE OF OUR FREEDOMS! WE WILL NOT LIVE IN FEAR ANY LONGER! WE ARE AMERICANS! WE LOVE OUR COUNTRY! WE LOVE OUR FREEDOM!

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