Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Warning Sings Placed in Arizona

The Obama Administration continues to show their lack of understanding in regards to the illegal immigration situation in Arizona and the other Border States. The Warning Signs that were placed in the Arizona desert were a slap in the face to Governor Brewer, the citizens of Arizona and to the citizens of this country. Is this the help and assistance that he promised Governor Brewer. Is this how he and his administration justifies the lose of life and liberty to Arizona and the remaining States?

Washington Politicians, media personalities such as Juan Williams are beyond the pale. While the people in Arizona, Texas and California are being overwhelmed by drug cartels and illegal immigrants, they sit back and say how wonderful President Obama is and what a great job he is doing. The lack of leadership coming from Washington is horrific and humiliating. Threatening a law suit on a state that is only trying to protect it's citizens and this country has a whole is wrong and a waste of  taxpayer money.

Citizens of this Country need to wake up and realize that if the current Administration tries to take a Arizona's Right to protect it's citizens , what else will it try and take away. Americans from all walks of life need to understand just how dangerous the Border States have become for its citizens. Instead of supporting the craziness coming out of Washington, Americans need to let their leaders in Washington know that this behavior will not be tolerated, in Arizona or any other state in this Country.

If Washington can't or won't secure our borders, how can we expect them to protect and serve the rest of this country? Why won't they listen to Governor Brewer who deals with these issues? Do the Liberals in Washington really think that the rest of the Country don't see how important this issue is? Wait, they don't care what the rest of us think, they consider us uneducated and stupid.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Peggy West, The Next YouTube Sensation

Recently, Peggy West, a 12th District Supervisor from Milwaukee, became the latest YouTube sensation. How did she receive this honor, by showing her absolute ignorance of simple geography and her ignorance of the illegal immigration problem. Thankfully she had a fellow councilman jump in and give her a quick geography lesson.

It is outrageous that Peggy West, who is the Chairperson of the Health and Human Needs Committee and a member of the Economic and Community Development Committee is so ill equipped. Her basic lack of common sense is unbelievable. She actually admitted to Goggling for information. While the Internet does supply a vast warehouse of information, anyone with a lick of common sense knows that you have to be carefully with the information. That's why the media has fact checkers employed. to research and double check information.

It is a sign of the times, when elected officials can not discuss relevant issues and have the facts to backup their points of view. Very often persons are elected to office based on their ethnic or racial background.  Even gender or sexual orientation can come into play. Liberals would have you believe that these issues are more important than the persons experience, their education or lack thereof. Liberals would have you believe that this is how America should elect their public officials.

Americans should elected public officials based on the individuals strength of character, their morals and values and for the ideas these individuals promote. Ethnic background, race, gender and sexual orientation should have no place in how America votes.

Illegal Immigration is a hot topic across America. It doesn't matter where you live. The burden that it places on health care, our legal system and the economy is profound. Most Americans can trace their family roots back to someone who immigrated to this country. America was founded and built by immigrants, there for, many Americans find this a vital and important issue. Unfortunately Peggy West but a face to the lack of education of this issue.

America is changing and along with this change comes turmoil. The issue of illegal immigration is an overwhelming and politically charged topic. Politician need to get an Atlas and learn where the border states are in reference to Mexico. They may also want to hire fact checkers, to keep them from appearing ignorant and uninformed. Americans need to reevaluate how and why they vote for someone running for public office.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Freedom of Speech or Just Poor Taste

Funerals are one of the worst events that a person can attend, add in the fact that you may be burying a spouse, or your child and it is even more heinous. Losing a loved one is a horrible thing to have to deal with, but unfortunately one that happens all to often.

The United States is at war and has been at war for over 10 years. With war comes death, burial and mourning. Burying someone you love is hard enough without having to deal with protesters. Add into the mix that these protesters are members of a church and call themselves Christians and you have added cruelty.

Saying goodbye to someone you love is something that we will all have to do at some time in our life. Funerals allow us the time to grieve, but also remember the person we lost in better times. We can share our memories, the good and the bad, we can cry and laugh and hopeful make it through the process.

But, protesting at a fallen soldiers funeral is not a Christian act. It is something a person does to obtain their 15 minutes of fame. As a religious person, no matter what your faith, you should realize how wrong this type of behavior is and while it may be viewed as freedom of speech, it is wrong.

The men and women who make the decision to enlist, do so, in order to allow us as Americans to have the right to Free Speech. Even if you do not agree with the war, you should honor their devotion to this country and the freedoms that they have fought and died to defend. These brave souls have the right to be laid to rest with dignity and love, not with signs of hate and ugliness.

For the ACLU to become involved in favor of these protesters is beyond belief. The ACLU had the ability to defend these protesters because of the sacrifice of these military men and women. How ironic that the ACLU would stand up for these protester, instead of the families.

As Americans we have the right to protest. That being said, we do not have the right to harm families by protesting at their loved ones funeral. This is an obscene, cowardly act by unchristian individuals. Understanding what drives these people is unfathomable to most people. Perhaps if they had to live through the same thing, then they would understand the pain they are causing. If nothing else, they should read what the Bible says about forgiveness, love and understanding. Maybe they should think for themselves instead of doing what their religious leader tells them to do. Protesting at a funeral is not Freedom Speech, it just poor taste and basically just wrong.

We don't have to agree about the war. We don't have to agree about our men and women choosing to enlist in the military. What we do have to do is honor their wishes. We need to have honor ourselves and allow the  families to mourn and grieve in peace. Funerals are painful on the best of days without outsides screaming and yelling ugly and distaste comments.

The veterans who appear at these funerals to protect the families are heroes and are to be applauded for the honor they show they fallen comrades and their families. American citizens should also standby the families and show their support, regardless of political views. Respecting each other at these times should be more important than political ideals. Media outlets should refuse to write or report on these protesters. If you take away their 15 minutes of fame, then they will crawl back from where ever they came from.

Remember our fallen military men and women with honor and respect. Support their families and loved one with the same respect that you would want to receive. Remember the Golden Rule. Do on to others, as you would want done on to you.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bono and Forty Cents

A recent TV ad had Bono and other celebrities talking about what 40cents can buy. A dryer sheet, a helium balloon and 2 HIV Pills. I'd like to know where 40 cents can buy medications for HIV, certainly not in this country. HIV medications cost several hundred dollars a month, not a few cents.

Maybe he was talking about the cost in Africa or other third world countries. Pharmaceutical Companies send millions of dollars of medications to other countries, yet charge Americans outrages amounts of money. This covers the cost of sending the drugs out of this country. Bono and other celebrities appear on TV and encourage us to send money to help out with the HIV epidemic in Third World Countries. While this is worthwhile endeavor, I question the ad and 40 cents.

Also, these celebrities make millions, why aren't they sending millions of dollars to Africa and other countries out of there own pockets? Why aren't they lobbying the pharmaceutical companies to donate medications, instead of charging for them?

As a member of the human race, and a member of the Health care Industry, I am concerned about the spread of HIV. I am also concerned about the cost of caring for someone with HIV, especially if they convert to full blown AIDS. It also bothers me that celebrities and others seem to think that if we throw money at it, we can fix it. In the Third World Countries we need to look at providing education on the spread of HIV and what they can do as a people to stop it. But we need to recognize that we will be fighting cultural and religious issues.

There was a time that there was truth in advertising. That time has long pasted and we need to be aware that most of the TV, radio and other media ads may be falsehoods, and or half truths. While I don't doubt Bono and the other celebrities in their advocacy for HIV and providing HIV medications. I do doubt the truth of the advertisement. We need to be more aware of where our money goes and who it goes to. Remember what happened after 9-11 and the American Red Cross. Millions of dollars were unaccounted for and to this day, the truth about where it went if unknown.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Battle For Arizona

All eyes are turned west towards Arizona. The citizens of this beautiful state are under attack from illegal immigrants and from the Federal Government. The State of Arizona is trying to solve a dangerous situation that effects it's citizens. Rape, murder, robbery, and illegal drugs are destroying the state and it's citizens. Arizona and other border states are struggling with uncontrolled immigration, and the Mexican drug cartels.

The Governor of Arizona met with President Obama and he promised that he would send a task force to the state to assess the situation and meet the the Arizona Governor. That was over two weeks ago, and they have yet to show up. This is another example of the lack of leadership from the current administration. It's just another example of how out of touch our President and his administration is. They just want to ignore this dangerous situation. Then to add insult to injury, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, announces while out of the country, in Ecuador, that President Obama plans to sue the State of Arizona. How outrageous that this was released not from Washington, but a South American country.

The citizens of Arizona have a right to protect themselves and their property, without the Federal Government interfering. The citizens of Arizona have had to tolerate much and they have  lost much over the years. Where has the Federal Government been while all of this has been going on? Why have they ignored the cries of the Citizens of Arizona? Why do they put illegal immigrants before the citizens of Arizona and of this Country? Why do they put the President of Mexico in front of the media and let him berate the State of Arizona and it's citizens. This is a man who needs to deal with the problems of his own country and stay out of our Country's business. But, then the government of Mexico publish and distribute pamphlets for illegal immigrants. Money pours across the border from illegal immigrants and into the pockets of the Mexican Government.

Why is the Federal Government suing the State of Arizona? There are vagrancy laws in every state, in every county and in every city or town in this country. If you are stopped by law enforcement in a traffic stop or even jaywalking, you are asked for your papers. Only in this country we call it your drivers license or ID. This is nothing new, if you don't have some form of identification, you can be arrested for vagrancy. Remember the movie Rambo, that's what the title character was arrested for.

The majority of Americans have ancestors that were immigrants. When they first arrived in this country, they went through the immigration process. Why, now after all this time does our government want to hand over this country to illegal immigrants? Why are they ignoring the American Citizens and what we want and what we need? Washington and the power players need to wake up and smell the voting booth. America is tired of their inaction.

Arizona and other border states are dealing with horrific situations that are often life threatening. These states have been left to fend for themselves. Supposed President Obama made a remark that if he secures the borders now, then there will be no support for immigration reform. This was supposedly stated to Senator Kyl in the Oval Office. The video was shown on Bill O'Reilly. Of course, the immediate response was that Senator Kyl misunderstood what the President was saying. It sounds like President Obama stuck his foot in his mouth and the spin doctors are doing damage control.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Political Machine In Washington Prevents Clean Up In The Gulf

If you believe the propaganda that is pouring out of Washington, then you are buying in to what the political machine is selling. According to the power players in our country's seat of power, we don't have the capability to stop the oil spill in the gulf. This is really a crock of lies and mistruths.

The United States Navy has multiple staging areas with equipment and trained men and women, qualified to handle and deal with this horrific disaster. The United States Navy and The United States Coast Guard are the ones who cleaned up the Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska. The Navy has skilled deep sea drivers and other deep sea equipment at their fingertips. Why has it taken so long for our leaders to responsed?

Our country received offers of help from more then 28 foreign countries and companies who have the equipment and ships at their disposal to help us. But, our leaders in Washington played politics and refused their help. With the scope of this disaster, it is unconscionable that our government would refuse these multiple offers of assistance. How utterly stupid that they would refuse offers to help, after all, how many times have we answered calls for help. Tony Hayward, CEO of BP had of offers of deep sea equipment from James Cameron, the director of Avatar. Let's not forget that Cameron is uniquely qualified when it comes to working in difficult situations.

Every day more and more damage is being done to the ocean, wet lands, and beaches. Our government is letting this disaster continue and they are letting the American public down. We expect our leaders to lead, not sit on their hands and cry "woe is me". If you don't have the guts to do the job, then step aside and let someone with real leadership ability get the job done. This admininstration is letting lives be destroyed with their lack of leadership.

The gulf and it's people are seeing their way of life destroyed and we get to watch our political leaders question Tony Hayward, CEO of BP on what he knew. Please, this is just more play acting out of Washington. Our so called leaders in Washington need to come down out of their Ivory Towers and get their hands dirty for a change.

This just seems like that the political machine in Washington is using this disaster to keep pushing their Cap and Trade Agenda. It's like political blackmail against the American People. The Governor of Louisiana, should tell Washington to stick it and just do what he thinks needs to be done and send President Obama the bill. If Obama can let stimulus money be spent on crap then he certainly can get stimulus money to Louisiana and other hard hit states to help with this oil spill.

Let's not forget that it was former President Bill Clinton who made them drill in 5000 feet of water. They originally wanted to drill closer to the shore, but was denied permission. So, if we are going to cast blame, lets start at the beginning.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Affirmative Action And It's Negative Impact

When affirmative action first appeared in our American Culture, it was hailed as a way to equal the playing field for minorities. It's objectives and goals were admirable. Minorities would be receive help to feed their families, educate their children, provide health care for those in need. While affirmative action may have had good intentions, it has hampered and possible hindered future generations. The negative impact that it has had on our children will be felt for years to come.

At one time in this country, people of all races took pride in their work, in their family and in them self. They didn't stand with their hand out, waiting for the government to give them something, for doing nothing. People may have been poor, but they kept their houses clean. Their clothes may have been mended, but they were clean. They cleaned houses, dug ditches, picked the fields, swept the streets all for money they honestly earned.

Now, we have multiple generations growing up on government assistance. Where has the pride gone that past generations exhibited? Why is it now, okay to take government handouts? Why do the leaders of minority groups seem to encourage this behavior? Why is it not possible to have real meaningful reform the affirmative action? If our political leaders really cared about the American Citizen and the future of this country, they would actively work to make positive changes to affirmative action.

It is past time that people looked at welfare as a temporary program. Welfare should never have become a permanent fixture for anyone. It should have been and should be a stepping stone to a better life. There should be limits to the length of time a person and or family can remain on the program. If you want to be a productive member of society, then you should have the drive to find a way to get off the government welfare roll.

It is more common for people to use welfare as an excuse. It may be the color of their skin, their gender, where they live, it still sounds like an excuse. It is time for all Americans, no matter where they live, no matter their political affiliation and no matter the color of their skin to take a hard look at affirmative action. It's time as come and gone. It is time for all Americans to become the people we can be through education, training, job sharing, and through peaceful and deliberate thought.

It is a time to a stop to the abuse of affirmative action. It is time to develop pride in who we are as person, group and especially as a citizen of this great country. While this country is far from perfect and we as a people have a long way to go,  we are all Americans. It doesn't matter what the color of our skin, gender, or where we live, we really do live in the greatest country on this planet.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Truth About Inflation

If you believe what the leaders in Washington tell us, then we aren't experiencing any form of inflation. If you watch the various Financial Shows on FOX, CNN, MSN and etc, they have varying views on our current economic status and inflation.

If you live on Main Street, where most of us live, then you know that inflation is here and has been here for quite some time. All you have to do is look at the cost of groceries, now and then look back a year or even 5 years. Now while the cost of things do go up, it is unbelievable how much they have gone up in the last year. You can even chart the increase cost of staples on weekly if not daily basis, ask anyone who goes to the grocery store, anywhere in this country.

The current political atmosphere, seems to ignore the fact that inflation is a living, breathing part of our everyday life. We are faced with it every time we venture into the grocery store, pharmacy or any other store. Why our politically leaders keep refusing to ignore the obvious, is beyond understanding. It seems that, that they believe, if they keep saying that it's not true, then it will go away on it's own.

Inflation happened during the recession in the 1970's, and while many do not believe that we are currently being hit with inflation. Back in the 1970's, the buying and selling of gold was everywhere. Now, we are hit daily by ads encouraging us to buy and or sell our gold. Could this be a coincident, perhaps, or is it a case of history repeating itself?

Here is a small example green beans in the 80's sold on sale 10 for a dollar then it went to 5 for a dollar then 4 today i paid 69cents fro the same can that i bought 4 weeks ago for 59 cents not on sale. Look closely you will see an increase across the board of up to 20%

Inflation is here and will be here for quite some time. Sticking your head in the sand, will not make it go away. Some time you will have to pull your head out of the sand or what bodily orifice that you have it stuck in and realize the truth about inflation.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Challenge To the Political Establishment in South Carolina

The national media is aghast that a political unknown won the South Carolina Democratic Primary. The commentators on Fox News repeatedly questioned how and why Alvin Green won the Primary. Of course they brought into play how could an unemployed veteran afford the entry fee. Then they wonder how he could be elected when his budget was $2000.00. Fox News is not alone, all the major media outlets are questioning the election results.

Then there is the ousted incumbent, he of course is challenging the result. How could a veteran politician lose to an unemployed, unknown American Citizen. It defies logic, or does it?

Politicians need to wake up and realize that the American Public is fed up with being ignored by their so called leaders. This applies to local, state and federal governments. The Average American wants smaller government, not bigger. They want their leaders to listen to them, not treat them like children.

Politicians seem to believe that the Average American can not think for themselves. That we have no idea what is in the best interest our community, our state or our country. They seem to think that they have all the answers and that we are too dumb to realize what is in our best interests.

Perhaps Alvin Green, with his simple flyer touched a nerve with the people of South Carolina. Perhaps the people of South Carolina, like the rest of the country are fed up with politicians who ignore them and their concerns. Perhaps this is a wake up call to the political establishment.

It will be a while before we actually know the entire truth about the election, it still makes you wonder if the American People are sending a wake up call to the political establishment.

During the Presidential Election, we were promised change and transparency. Maybe the American People have decided that if the current elected officials won't give it us, then we will just have to make a change. Perhaps American citizens have decided to take back their government from our so called leaders. Maybe South Carolina is a sign to all incumbents that the is a change blowing across America.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Reality of Going Green

How many times a day are we encouraged to "GO GREEN". We hear from the Science Community about how we are destroying our environment. We hear how our carbon foot print affects the world around us. While we should be concerned with our environment, the reality is that Going Green is very expensive and most Average Americans can not afford the price tag.

While there is public transportation in metropolitan areas, there is none available in rural areas of this country. Individuals must relieve on automobiles and fossil fuel. Without a car or truck, they can't go to work, school or anywhere else.

While it would be wonderful to have solar panels or wind turbines on homes, the cost is too expensive for the Average American household. How many of us reduce the amount of electricity we consume, to reduce the demand for fossil fuels?

Water usage should be a priority for everyone, but how many individuals really monitor how much water they use in a day, a month or even a year. How many are willing to reduce the number of showers or baths that they take? How many would reduce the amount of laundry they do in a day or even a week?

Environmental friendly detergent and household cleaners are wonderful. But, how many of us can afford the expense?

Going Green is a reality that is along way from being affordable for the Average American Family. Most Americans are conserving water and electricity because of budget reasons. We purchase the cheapest detergent or cleanser to save money not the environment.

Environmentalist scream about the lack of concern for our planet, but the reality is that most of us are worried about keeping a roof over our heads, food on the table and paying our bills. Until there are realistic changes to the cost of Going Green, most of us have no alternative but to continue on as we are.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Breaking the Languare Barrier

This great country has a wide and diverse background due to different cultures that have come to its shores. The hows and whys of how they got here are at times horrific, but the end result is that they have added greatly to our growth and most importantly to our culture.

Initially, immigrants kept to themselves, in their neighborhoods. This is where they were most comfortable because the language and the customs were familiar.  This continues even today, the difference being that TV exposes immigrants to more diversity then ever before.

Many immigrants, when they came to our shores, Americanized their names. Often, because officials had difficulty understanding how to pronounce their names. People can argue that there was no sensitivity to the immigrants. But,  if you talk to the sons and daughters of these people, the first generation born in this country, you may walk away if a different understanding.

Many immigrants, had and continue to have a desire to embrace America and our language, while still maintaining their rich culture and heritage. Governments both large and small in this country have created an arena that promotes bigotry. When you separate a people because they can not speak and understand each other, you create an atmosphere of suspicion and even fear.

Consider this, if you can take a drivers test in one language, but can't read the road signs, how safe are you as a driver? Also, if you become ill and are in need of medical care, but the doctors and nurses can't understand you, how can they help you?

Common sense would lead you to believe that having one language, the American Language, which has it's roots in multiple cultures, should be encourage. This would allow better communication and better understanding among people.

Liberals and special interest would say that this is racist. But, they have their own agenda. If we can understand each other, then we can learn to appreciate each other and will learn to meet each other as equals.  Governments and other groups could not prey on misunderstanding and fear. That being said, we may not get along with each other all the time, but then again, most families don't.

Respecting each other and where we came from is the first key. Learning to understand each other is the next step. Most of us, no matter where our mothers and fathers came from, have one thing in common. We are trying to work hard, provide for our families and improve the lives of our family. Sounds like we may have more in common then we think.

People are different, that's what makes this country so special. Our culture is unique and like no other, because of the diversity of it's members. While far from perfect and with a long way to go, the first step may be learning to speak with each other in the American Language.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Do You Know What The Constitution Says?

Have you taken the time to reflect on how many Americans do not know what our Constitution and Bill of Rights really state about our Rights and Liberties? How many of us can truly say they know what our political leaders can and can not do under the Constitution?

If you take the time to read the Constitution, you can actually read and understand the turmoil and growth that our country had  gone through. While far from perfect, our country and it's citizens is preferable to others in the world. Our country is still young, and with that comes growing pains. Have we treated all of our citizens fairly from the beginning? Absolutely not, but we are learning!

The question is, do we continue to let our so called leaders both in state and the national level, treat us like children, to dumb to understand how everything works. The answer is NO! As an American, we all need to take the time to read the Constitution and understand what it says. Forearmed is Forewarned. If we know what it says, then our so called leaders can simply pat us on the head and have us sit in a corner quietly.

Schools should be teaching our future generation about the builders of our Constitution. There should be an emphases on making sure our children understand how our government is supposed to work. Too many young people have no idea what the Bill of Rights or the Constitutions even means to them, both as individual an as a whole.

America needs to wake up and start letting our leaders know that we are not going to sit idly by and let them destroy a document that past generations have fought and died for. Americans have wrestled with the true meaning of the Constitution and have grown both as a country and as a People. While not perfect, we are a work in progress. We will not let them destroy our future or the future of our children.

Take the time to read and understand this vital document. If not for yourself, then for future generations.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Storm of Cowards

Recently, while listening to Glenn Beck, The Storm Handbook was fore front in his comments. He urged his listeners to download and read this information. Having done so, why does the historic information fail to supply the names of the founding fathers of the organization?

Now, it seems that, if you are proud of what you have formed and proud of what it stands for, that you would want your name on it. Within this handbook, can no proud names be found. If these individuals won't stand up or stand by what they have written, how can anyone trust them.

This handbook talks about how horrible it was that the Soviet Union collapsed, that China has made moves towards capitalism. They scream how horrible capitalism is, yet, not once do they talk about how horrible the lives were in the old USSR. Food shortages, fuel shortages, lack of housing for the average individual. They don't talk about how difficult life is and was for the Chinese people. Yet, they hold these groups up as icons. They hold Communism as the answer to all our problems. If you can stand up in the public eye, if you can't put your name and face out to the public, then you are a coward.

The Average American, the members of Main St, want to live happy, productive lives. We want to provide for our families, we want a decent home, to enjoy our lives as we see fit. Not the way someone else tells us we have to. It's the average American who sends their sons and daughters off to war, it's been that way since this country was founded. It was their blood that bought our freedom and keeps us free.

Take the time to talk with individuals that lived through the Depression, fought in the different armed conflicts and wars, those are heroes, not cowards. Take the time to talk with someone from a different culture, a different skin color, you will see that in the end, we are all the same. Learn to think for yourself, that's what this country is about, being able to think and believe the way you want to.

It's true that we don't always get along, but compared to where we have been, we have come along way. Groups like Storm, takes these differences and uses them to their advantage, not ours. Being different from each other isn't easy and it can be frightening, but it's also what makes us strong.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Winners and Losers

When I was growing up, competition was present in every aspect of my childhood. With my siblings, friends and classmates and of course in sports and with school. This continued on through adolescence and even into my adulthood. It was a normal part of growing up. But somewhere along the way things changed. Competition with real winners and losers started to disappear.

I first noticed it when my children became involved in sports. The coaches were mostly moms who volunteered when no fathers were available. Moms, being moms, they never want children to be hurt or disappointed. Children would get trophies, just to keep them from feeling like losers. So, instead of teaching children in the developmental years, that there are winners and losers. That not everyone wins at everything, we have taught our children that it is ok to be losers. That mediocrity is fine, that just showing up makes them winners. We haven't taught our children that failure, along with losing is a part of life. We haven't taught them that trying harder, working hard, striving harder will help them reach their full potential.

With this, "it's ok to lose" attitude so ingrained in our children, there is a sense that it's ok to be second best. There is no drive to be the best, to overcome obstacles that life puts in front of them. There is a "so what" attitude that you see in their lack of work ethic, how they dress, how they interact with others, in every aspect of who they are and sadly who they may become. Recently, a major pizza restaurant starting running a TV advertisement that played to this entire phenomenon. What does say about our culture?

Our children are becoming followers and not the leaders that they need to be. In this world that they will inherit from us, they will need leaders who can think for themselves and stand by their decision. Our children will have to be stronger then we have been. But with this kind of mentality, how will our children achieve their full potential?

Parents, coaches, teachers and the adult population in general need to take a hard look at how we promote learning, sports and life overall. We need to take a step back in time and get back to basics. If we don't start helping our children, and grandchildren learn the concept of winners and losers then we may lose an entire generation to a downward spiral of mediocrity.

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Sad Truth of a Country on the Verge of Emplosion

Once upon a time, in a land full of hope and promises, a new country slowly emerged. It wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but yet, it held the promise of greatness. Through hard times and worse times it's greatness grew. Along with this greatness, the potential for prosperity for the masses grew.

Sadly, with this growth came chaos and calmity. Political groups grew and with that came anger and bitter adversity. Unfortunately, in this tale there is no evil prince or princess, no evil witch or stepmother. The wickedness comes in the form of large, unchecked political groups that pit normal Americans against each other. Perhaps they see this as a way to keep control of the masses. If we are too busy fighting with each other, then we can't see what they are doing to us.

But, here is a simple truth, with all the chaos going on in the world around us, there are pockets of people working together, without regard to race, gender or political affiliation.

These individuals work and play together, they laugh and cry together. They don't see color, or gender, they don't see the have and have not. They really don't care what each other does in the privacy of their home. It's not their business, what each other does behind closed doors.

What they see is friend and co worker. They are a family of sorts. Like all families they can be dysfunctional at times, but regardless they respect and support each other. Perhaps the key is communication and understanding.Why is it that the leaders of this great country don't get this simple truth?

Why does it seem that the political leaders encourage adversity between Americans of all races, genders and ages? Why do so called religious leaders spout off anger, animosity and bitterness. What does this accomplish but more of the same. I always believed that religious leaders were men and women who's goal was to teach us ways of forgiveness, kindness and generousity. It is unfortunate that in this great country, they have grown into a business of greed, of blame and shame.

Why does the media spout of information with some kind of political slant? It's history repeating itself. Yellow Journalism is a term heard in a century past. It seems that we are living through this again. Why not report the facts and let us make up our own minds? Why do they act like we can't be trusted to know our own hearts and minds?

As an average American, as a so called member of main street, I can think for myself. I can decide on what I know is right and moral. I can make up my on mind without someone telling me that their way is the only way. I c.hoose how to live my life