Monday, December 20, 2010


This time of year, more than any other, turns our thoughts to Peace. Holiday songs speak about "Peace on Earth", Christmas Specials and Movies turn our minds to Peace between each other and around the world. It is a most beautiful yet hard to hold feeling. Peace is something that we all need to search for and strive to obtain.

Too often, man speaks of Peace without fully acknowledging that it is a difficult concept to obtain. Peace is something that should and must start from within each of us. Peace is virtue that even the most gentle and loving of man has trouble understanding and sharing.

So where do we start? We start with ourselves. We start first by accepting that we are a work in progress and far from perfect. We start with loving ourselves and then extending that love to our family and friends. We start with sharing ourselves with each other and those who need our love and understanding. We start with accepting others as who they are, not as we want them to be. We start by being kind and generous with our hearts.  We start now, not tomorrow or next week.

Merry Christmas to all, and Peace to the People on Earth. May your lives be filled with true Peace and Love.

Friday, December 17, 2010


We currently have a Lame Duck Congress. What does that mean for the majority of Americans? It means that the ass holes we voted out will try and ram crap down our throats that helps only a handful of individuals or groups. It means that they are taking advantage again of the American People. What else is new!

This recent Mid Term Election should have sent a clear message to the elected officials in Congress, but apparently many of them are too deaf and dumb to understand what we were trying to say!  In very simple words. STOP THE BULLSHIT!

There are too many Americans out of work, too many fighting to keep afloat financially and too many who have just given up entirely. Until we get our manufacturing base back in this country, things will not change. The media and congress can talk about tax cuts to help boost hiring, but that is not enough. Unless things change this country is headed down a path of no return.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Losing Christmas

Maybe it started with writing Xmas instead of Christmas, or maybe it started with hawking Christmas before we had eaten Thanksgiving Dinner. Maybe it is really impossible to put your finger on when we started losing Christmas and the Christmas spirit. It really doesn't matter when it started, all that matters is that we and the world are poorer for the lose.

There was a time that the Christmas Season meant Peace, Love, Faith and Fellowship of all mankind. Now, it is just a time of spending and buying. It is a time that you have to be politically correct and say, "Happy Holidays", instead of "Merry Christmas". Being political correct doesn't allow for celebrating the Birth of Christ, but it does encourage spending money and encourage ill will around the world.

In simpler times, we could share our faith with our friends and family, now if you are a person of faith and want to share the Miracle of Christmas, it is frowned upon by those who want to destroy Christmas and all that it stands for. You have to wonder why anyone would want to destroy a Season of Miracles that promotes Peace and Love.

If we continue down this current path, we will lose Christmas and all that it stands for. What a great lose that will be for the entire world and all of us that live on this Blue Marble. So what is the answer, it really is quite simple. We can't let political correction or liberal viewpoints rule and destroy a time of year that means so much to so many. We need to share our faith and love to all, regardless of our faith. Christmas is a time of Miracles and a time to pray for peace for all mankind.

Cities, towns, corporations, and individuals should not be ashamed of sharing symbols of the Seasons. Deck the Halls, Trim the Tree, Hang the Wreath and put out the Nativity. In this country, it has always been the majority rules, not the minority and this goes for Christmas.

So Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.