Saturday, September 18, 2010

Prohibition of Marijuana

During the time of Al Capone, we learnt the hard way that when you prohibit something, it just makes people want it more. People became rich during Prohibition by making and selling alcohol. There were Speak Easy's and bathtub gin in small and large towns around the country. The one thing that we came out of all of the police raids, shoot outs and corruption, is that Prohibition DID NOT WORK!

This country has spent billions of dollars fighting the war on drugs. A large majority to that has been spent on stopping the growing and selling of marijuana. There have been study after study on the impact of "weed" on health, short term memory, so on and so on. How many times have you heard that, "If you smoke pot, it will lead to stronger drugs".

If you spend enough money to have a study done, then you can twist the numbers how ever you want, it's call statistics. It really can be outrageous how much money has been spent on these studies. Thank you Congress.

If you speak with an officer of the law, off the record, quite a few will tell you that busting people with small amounts of weed, is a waste of money, time and it ties the court system up. They would rather be arresting people out there who are committing more grievous crimes. They would rather be going after dealers of crack, heroin and other hard drugs. Some feel that if weed war legalized that we would be able to hurt the drug cartels. It does give you pause, when you thing that we could actually hurt the drug cartels.

What is the answer to the prohibition of marijuana? Is there even a real answer? What I do know, is that what we have been doing is not working. Maybe it is time to make the growing of marijuana for personal use legal. Maybe it is time to end the Prohibition of Marijuana all together.

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